Some years ago I had the privilege of having lunch while sitting next to the oldest living tree on Earth. It was as near to…

On Halloween, passengers aboard the B.C. ferry between Galiano Island and Tsawwassen were treated to the sight of a superpod of about 1,000 Pacific white-sided…

“We’ve got freaking pinks everywhere and it is ridiculous,” said Brett Barkdull, a state Fish and Wildlife biologist. “They are still in the rivers and everyone is growing tired of catching them.”

The New Scientist magazine says the IPCC call for “geoengineering” is a call to create the largest industry in human history. The proof is at hand that what we need to create is a one of the smaller industries in human history.
Au contraire New Scientist, we just need 100 tiny villages working on a common summer “dream” job. More like the smallest industry in human history!

In perhaps the largest, longest, and most comprehensive study of ocean fish in the Pacific scientists reveal populations of fish collapsed by 78% over the…

Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2 High and rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have been greening the world’s arid regions over the past 30 years…

In modern western nations most of us live in the black lap of carbon luxury. We need to learn what a low carb diet might…

US President Obama on has scheduled a Tuesday revelation of his program to address high and rising CO2 emissions. In a video press release Saturday…

Restoring Ocean Pastures, It Just Works! In a stunning affirmation of the utility of ocean pasture restoration a Canadian government research team has reported the…

One of the most important groups of phytoplankton Ehux now has a place in the worlds genomic library. An international consortium has unravelled and sequenced…

Cod In Fish Families Share Personality Traits In striking findings in Norway it seems Atlantic cod fish on farms are full of personality. We humans…

Egyptian fish farmers 4,000 years ago raised tilapia in ponds along the Nile. Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ gave sermons about tilapia to people…

Walt Whitman once said, “all beef is grass.” In like manner, once but no more, “all fish was plankton.” Sixty-six million tonnes of farmed fish…

Borg Plankton (cocolithophore) After removing Borg implants. Cocolithophores genome now mapped…

Here’s why our collective focus on high and rising CO2 as an agent of global warming and climate change is misplaced. But at the same…

New Robert Stone film reveals how opposition to nuclear power turned into massive increases in coal burning power plants. The far worse outcome for the…

The Discovery Channel and its Animal Planet series has been caught sliming science in pursuit of the tabloid dollar once again. Its latest “mermaid documentary”…