It would take 21,000 years To put this much of our rock dust in restored ocean pastures that our work is focused on. Native, State,…

Just days before Easter our small village research office in Vancouver was swarmed by 11 officers dressed in all black combat gear, armed and imposing…

Some months ago, just before Christmas I believe, our Haida Salmon village office received a telephone call from a woman who identified herself as an…

Over the many years in planning our village project we ran across many scientific questions that we hoped our work might help provide clues and…

Confirming what I’ve been going on about for nigh unto 20 years high and rising CO2 in the air is growing more and bushier plants…

Here’s a letter from Tim who has given us a great deal of very good advice for a long time. If you want to win…

Ocean fertilization: R.S Lampitt, et al Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 13 November 2008 vol. 366no. 1882 3919-3945 Abstract: The oceans sequester carbon from the atmosphere partly as a…

“Damning With Faint Praise.” A well-known precept of journalism is that “Dog Bites Man” isn’t news, but “Man Bites Dog” is. On this principle, saying…

6 SEPTEMBER 2012 WWF BLOG For folks who haven’t been following this conversation, geo-engineering is an umbrella term for a wide range of approaches to…

Climate Change: Current Issues 2011 Provided in cooperation with: Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW). Paper provided by Kiel Institute for the World Economy in its series Open…

“If we don’t make a stand in British Columbia… 100 years from now we might have very few salmon. Mitigation measures should not be delayed…

“Your time is coming Russ. Just be persistent and keep your focus on the salmon.” I am of the view that First Nations will be…

Shortly we’ll be presenting a more complete story of meeting the bullies of the CBC. Our present day trials and tribulations began when CBC News…

For those who can’t get enough of mad scientist cabals who want to take over the world with the power of genetic engineering. Here’s an…

While many international leaders work toward emission reduction strategies and carbon capture and storage they are missing the really key core problem. That problem is…

Read along with me as I share with you my report on being witness to the greatest migration of animal life on Earth. In the…

The series of satellite images below shows the plankton abundance during the month of August in our study region over the past 6 years. Note…

There are some people who walk apart from the madding crowds of the dull and boring. One such in the world of ocean science was…
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“There’s a ruckus going on over an experiment in ocean fertilization conducted off the coast of British Columbia…” October 18, 2012 by Ted Parson There’s a…