Government of Canada Invests $32 Million in Ocean Science
Government of Canada Invests $32 Million in Ocean Science
Ottawa, ON – October 3, 2012 – Canada has the longest coastline in the world and its national identity, economic prosperity and way of life have been shaped by three oceans. Recognizing the importance of better understanding and sustaining these oceans, the Government of Canada today announced an investment in ocean science and technology research conducted by Ocean Networks Canada (OCN).
“This investment is a good example of the important role played by Major Science Initiatives in fostering Canada’s excellence in basic research,” said the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). “Facilities like these, across the country, are critical to Canada’s research competitiveness.”
The Government of Canada will provide $32.8 million in support to ONC through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). ONC is an initiative of the University of Victoria and manages a network of underwater sensors off Canada’s West Coast. These sensors record and broadcast, in real time data, images from the sea floor. This information is used to analyze earthquakes, research fish populations and predict the movement of tsunamis.
“The CFI is proud to be supporting a centre with such a long history of research excellence,” said Mr. Gilles G. Patry, President and CEO of the CFI. “ONC provides a platform that is critical to Canada’s leadership in ocean research.”
“UVic is extremely grateful to the Government of Canada for its commitment and support of major science in Canada,” says UVic President David Turpin. “This investment ensures that the Ocean Networks Canada Observatory—the VENUS and NEPTUNE Canada subsea networks—remains a leader in global ocean research.”
Since 2006, the Government of Canada has invested nearly $8 billion in initiatives supporting science, technology and the growth of innovation firms in Canada, including $5 billion for advanced research, education and training; $2 billion for post-secondary infrastructure; and $1 billion for applied research and financing. This funding has helped to make Canada a world leader in post-secondary education research and to create the knowledge and highly skilled workforce that are required for a more prosperous economy.
About the Canada Foundation for Innovation
Created by the Government of Canada in 1997, the CFI strives to build our nation’s capacity to undertake world-class research and technology that benefits Canadians through investments in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment at universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research institutions. For more information, please visit the CFI’s website: www.innovation.ca.
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