In Love With Plankton
Studying plankton requires some passion
If you are going to replenish, restore, and tend to ocean pastures you must first study plankton, and you might as well get a lot of samples, heck, you might even want to invent a more efficient method of sampling.
We did all of those things, before, during, inside, and outside of the our particular plankton bloom and we did it around the clock.
We have thousands of samples of phytoplankton and thousands of samples of zooplankton. Each sample contains hundreds to thousands of plankton individuals.
Collecting phytoplankton is a relatively easy chore, however viewing, describing and estimating the quantity of phytoplankton can take quite a while.
Collecting zooplankton on the other hand is a much more difficult task. It takes big nets, to catch small creatures. Once caught, the zooplankton then need to be sorted and sub-sampled.
Here’s a video on our plankton sampling