Extraterrestrial Plankton Found In Meteor Falling On Sri Lanka
Small moves Sparks, small moves… A meteor that fell to Earth last December appears to be a fragment of a comet that burst 10km above Sri Lanka.
The comet appeared as a yellow and green fireball over the Indian Ocean island’s province of Polonnaruwa. It was quickly found by locals and fragments have made it to Cardiff University and to the NASA Marshall Space Flight Centre. Both have confirmed findng biological structures deeply embedded in the rock – this rules out the possibility of the organisms being the result of biological contamination from Earth.
A sample of the recovered stones that was then sent to us at Cardiff University, conducted studies of freshly cleaved interior surfaces using the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope at the University’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences. These studies resulted in a number of images showing diatom frustules, some of which were clearly embedded in the rock matrix, thereby excluding the possibility of post-arrival contamination.
The discovery points to an explanation of how life started on this planet. What if plankton are the original space explorers, populating the universe by travelling as encapsulated spores over eons of time. Bringing with them to each new planet capable of sustaining life a genetic memory and set of instructions on how to build a technological civilization and perhaps more.
Of course this paper is drawing the ire of all manner of so called skeptical critics. Somehow the world of science has bred a very peculiar mob of armchair scientists who claim that their mere theorizing about the pains-taking experimental work of others should be considered as equal information. These cynics purport to be holding a skeptical viewpoint. This of course plays into the hand of media who always prefer a story with argument to merely presenting the facts and allowing those facts to be slowly assimilated.
It’s interesting to note that Wickramasinghe, the Sri Lankan scientist who heads this team effort has been both the hard working pioneer in this field for 30 years and the one man who has been most subjected to the jeers of the arm chair experts. Like most pioneers Wickramasinghe is living proof that pioneers get more wounds in their backs than in their chests.
What if this evidence for extraterrestrial plankton from extraterrestrial ocean pastures is how it has always been done for billions of years, in small moves Ellie, small moves.
“…You’re an interesting species. An interesting mix. You’re capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you’re not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other. “ Want to watch Jodi learn this lesson…click here.