The Discovery Channel and its Animal Planet series has been caught sliming science in pursuit of the tabloid dollar once again. Its latest “mermaid documentary”…

CO2 fertilisation has increased maximum foliage cover across the globe’s warm, arid environments Abstract: Satellite observations reveal a greening of the globe over recent decades. The role…

There is a global crisis befalling the Internet. Has it reached a tipping point requiring dramatic actions? Some call the internet an eighth wonder of…

I have been reading several papers about the role of CO2 in plant ecology with regard to global climate. I’ve written to the several scientists in…

SQUAWK AND DON’T STOP SQUAWKING – Help save tiny birds on Egypt’s coast Terrible news has emerged from the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Bavarian Broadcasting are…

The enigma of electric currents in the seabed is solved. Scientists from Aarhus University have sensationally discovered seabed bacteria that function with a living neuro-electrical…

New report in the Journal Nature has revealed details on a very common and erroneous assumption on where water vapour comes from in the atmosphere….

Back in 2006 ocean scientists published an alarming report on the crisis ocean fish face. They released data showing that 90% of fish and other…

Headlines around the world herald the horrors of pirate fishing that is destroying what remains of global ocean fish stocks. But the same pirate fishing…

There is very good news for Australia and its struggle to do the right thing by its CO2 emissions. There has and is a crisis…

The life, vitality, and treatment of such an important ocean and planetary ecosystem, we are so horribly poisoning, ought not to be left to chance….

Until a few years ago I had never been to China. All that I knew of China came from what I’d read or seen on…

Yes, this story is about someone’s knickers. It’s also about an antidote for a large part of the fossil CO2 in the air, a major…