Dusty times provide iron to grow rich ocean plankton pastures Like humans, phytoplankton (tiny plants that drift on ocean currents) need iron to survive. The…

Our ability to observe and measure dust around the world is best served by the satellite fleet. Those observations show a great decline in vital…

Winter storms a few months ago brought reports of thousands of sea birds dead on the beaches of Europe. We reported the dire state of…

We can spare blue whales from being run down by ships if we provide them with alternative restored ocean pastures. Even though commercial whaling was…

The Canadian federal inquiry into B.C.’s Fraser River sockeye fishery cost at least $37.3 million. While the $37 million in legal charges returned no additional…

The fate of CO2 is that most of it ends up in the oceans. In this post I am making a try at explaining physical…

FORBES is writing again about how ocean plankton might help save the world. FORBES writer Tim Worstall has penned another good article that supports our…

Catching Wild Seafoods Consumes A Lot Of Diesel Fuel Robert Parker, a young fisheries scientist at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, in Australia, and Peter…

This is the first of what we hope will be a long series of reports from our resident Mermaids. Finally there are reports surfacing that…

A great mystery about how CO2 in ocean water is converted into solid carbonates is solved This explains the formation of vast regions of carbonate…

Here’s a great video about sentient forests where trees and fungi communicate over vast distances. Professor Suzanne Simard of the University of British Columbia gives a…

The New York Times DotEarth Blog has a posting about me and my work. My 2012 ocean pasture restoration project nourished and is bringing hundreds…

Ocean Pastures Are Found In All The World’s Oceans – Even The Frozen Ones. When all above is still locked up in a frozen wasteland,…

Climate Changes To Winds Diminishes Antarctic Krill And Plankton In a paper just published this week in Nature by a Rutgers University team it is…

How to grow more whales that go poop in the night and save the world from climate change. Whale poop seems to be all the…

But this year neither his beak nor belly hold anything. California brown pelicans’ breeding numbers are in drastic decline this year, according to an annual…

Sardines And Other Plankton Feeding Forage Fish Decline The desperate state of forage fish is resulting in the Pacific Fishery Management Council making radical new…

Ocean plankton produce clouds as they thrive Ocean plankton is the largest natural factor of this blue planet when it comes to managing CO2 (and…

Ocean eddies are growing “The ocean temperatures east of Tasmania are some of the fastest rising in the world,” said Iain Suthers, a professor at…