Another Roadside Attraction
The endless argument about CO2 driven climate change is a nauseating two actor drama we are all being forced to endure.
It seems to be the only show in town.
The dimly lit empty stage is set with a fog made of the 10 billion tons of CO2 modern society emits into the air every year. Two actors, protagonist and antagonist, are in spotlights engaged in endless haggling over the price tag to properly dispose of the garbage to hold off global warming.
One one hand, protagonist David the seller, insists that the price tag must be $100 per ton, or $1 trillion dollars per year. On the other hand, antagonist Fred the reluctant customer/singer, simply won’t pay that price. So long as the drama continues the actors get paid every night to repeat their haggling performance ad nauseam. They will never come to agreement and we will all pay the price.
Meanwhile Off Broadway
There is the best of news coming from out of the blue, another roadside attraction has opened down the street in the poor mans part of town. And guess what, there you can walk through the exhibits of that attraction and see how simple impossibly inexpensive methods have been successfully demonstrated that make the cost of properly, safely, and to everyone’s benefit, managing our CO2 come to less than one penny per tonne! And there are free refreshments, all the FISH and chips you can eat!
What’s left to haggle about.
How is this possible? This sounds like one of those stories about replacing the gasoline in your car with water! They will never allow it!
Restoring ocean pastures and the plant life that converts dangerous CO2 into ocean life is how we can save this world, pay a tiny pittance to the good shepherds of those ocean pastures to repurpose that CO2 into ocean life and fish. It’s been demonstrated in the worlds first large-scale 50,000 km2 ocean pasture restoration in 2012. And it will work almost everywhere in the world’s oceans. https://russgeorge.net/2014/06/23/worlds-first-commercial-scale-ocean-pasture-restoration/
Want proof… one year after the vital salmon pasture of the NE Pacific was restored in 2012, by me, Alaskan fishermen were expected to catch 50 million Pink salmon, it would be a good catch. Instead they caught 226 million pasture fed Pink salmon, the largest catch in all of history. The ocean pasture had been restored to historic abundance. Today more than a hundred million servings of that ocean bounty are being given to needy hungry children in the United States.
Here’s how it works.
We must become good shepherds of our ocean pastures just as we had to become good shepherds of our pastures on land so that the pastures can remain healthy and productive. It’s not rocket science, it’s just requires the most simple basic and human character of compassion and caring. Pastures on land flourish when they have sufficent water, the grass there grows in soil what it needs it a reliable supply of water. Ocean pastures flourish when they have sufficient mineral rich dust, they only need the tiniest amount but they need it desperately. It’s a yin and yang sort of relationship that pastures have on land and at sea. Our high and rising CO2 emissions have in the past century made plants on land become greener and bushier and we call that condition ‘good ground cover.’ Tragically that good ground cover is NOT good news for ocean pastures that need dust.
More grass growing means less dust blowing
Here’s a short video of my first ocean trial back in 2002 a few hundred miles east of the Hawaiian Islands with the good ship Ragland, a 100 year old Baltic Schooner Ragland lent to me by Neil Young. Technology available to everyone, rocket scientists and climate banksters need not apply.
Read about my voyage under sail aboad the Ragland from San Francisco to Hawaii with “a few American’s doing something about the earth” in the Journal Nature Jan. 2003 edition.
I’ve proven the practicality and effectiveness on one ocean pasture when I and eleven indian shipmates took one modest fishing boat half full of vital mineral rich dust out to our NE Pacific ocean pasture in the summer of 2012. Our replenishment of 100 tonnes of vital mineral dust restored that pasture immediately and sustainably to historic health and abundance. The ocean pasture, and its salmon, flourished by repurposing more than 10 million tonnes of CO2 into ocean life, without our dust that CO2 would have become ocean acidifying death. The choice was simple we choose life for the ocean over death.
Saving and feeding the world for pennies
If next year 100 ocean pastures around the world come under the similar loving care of good shepherds and those pastures dust is replenished the pastures will be restored and more than a billion tonnes of modern societies deadly CO2 will become ocean life. In the bargain billions of additional fish will be put onto the plates of hungry people around the world.
And the cost? Not $1 Trillion, just a tiny fraction of $1 Billion. What is there to haggle about.
Want to read what the actors think about this… https://russgeorge.net/2015/02/17/on-being-hunted-by-journalists/
A quote to live by.
“If you lack the iron and the fuzz to take control of your own life, if you insist on leaving your fate to the gods, then the gods will repay your weakness by having a grin or two at your expense.” Tom Robbins