A Penny For Our Planet
The Net is filled by Donate Here buttons to save the planet but the price has proven to be too high
Learn how you might give as little as you can to start saving the planet in a big way immediately
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The world is boiling in turmoil over the impact of our love affair with fossil fuel and the modern society that fuel has enabled. Burning fossil fuel for more than a century has resulted in nearly a trillion tonnes of CO2 going into the air in what is an instant of Earth time which is measured in millenia not minutes. Given a few more millenia all of our CO2 will be accommodated by this living blue planet of ours but in our immediate human time frame there is and will be a lot of CO2 suffering. Unless perhaps we are all willing to dig deep and chip in just a penny for our planet.

Svante August Arrhenius was a Scandinavian scientist, a chemist who first described the global warming potential of CO2. Born 1859 in Norway,
Scandinavian Chemist/Physicist Arrhenius was the first to write in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in global warming. He proposed a chemical link tying atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature, he called it a greenhouse effect. His research showed that the average surface temperature of the earth was about 15oC because of the natural warming effect of gases in the atmosphere. He reported his simple but elegant chemical calculations that showed a doubling of the CO2 concentration would lead to a 5oC temperature rise.
It’s not until much more recent that others have taken up his age-old banner and begun waving it. Computerized weathermen, climatologists, who seeing the rapt attention of the public to their ever more complicated weather forecasts illustrated by computer generated graphics ran with the idea. Some might say ran wild. Today we are all inundated with the first of many global warming floods this first flood being an overwhelming amount of opinion and information on just how much doom and gloom there is for us in the future.

Looking more attractive than that Scandinavian chemist sex sells climate change in the modern world’s lucrative donate here campaign
The cost of avoiding that panoply of doom and gloom that awaits us and our grandchildren is said to be a painful price of at least $1 trillion dollars per year, many ‘experts’ say far more (That price tag is based on a cost of $100/ton to manage the 10 billion tons of greenhouse gas CO2 each year.) And most solutions being proffered are nothing short of ‘rocket science’ so if you think you are going to understand how your money is going to be spent forget it. Well there are a many simple things that you can do like screw in another energy-efficient light bulb, buy an expensive but very politically correct hybrid car, or even separate your garbage and recyclables.
All of the above are good things to do, or at least ‘feel-good’ things to do even it they are very costly and really don’t have a hope of helping save the world in a measurable way. At least that is what a team of GOOGLE engineers reported on investigating and finding alternative energy was hopeless in making meaningful contributions to slowing, let alone stopping, climate change. As for your modern technology enhanced lifestyle some say forget it.
OK you’ve read enough bad news here’s the good news!

That’s me replanting trees on a clear cut and burned British Columbia landscape in 1973 in my first eco-restoration treeplanting business
Here’s how to spend your penny!
This blue planet of ours is 72% ocean. Land upon which plants can grow makes up only 17% of the planet, the rest is ice and rock. We all know that growing plants take in CO2 and in doing so grow bigger. This removes CO2 from the air, and planting trees is one thing that is widely acclaimed as a good thing for the planet.
Unfortunately only a few more trees might be planted on this Earth so we are not going to save the world from climate change and global warming to the delight of squirrels and dickie birds.
What we can do that is immensly more effective than planting trees is to replenish and restore the plant life of the oceans (the phyto-plankton). You get it, it’s like growing trees only in the vast 72% of this world that is ocean or more appropriately in ocean pastures. The ocean once was filled with ocean pastures that were healthy and abundant and filled with life until our fossil fuel CO2 emissions put those pastures into decades of deadly decline. Today the ocean pastures are in such a terribly depleted state that they can no longer support large populations of sea life, fish, whales, sea lions, seabirds… they are all starving at alarming rates.
The oceans pastures either flourish or perish depending on one vital element. Just as pastures on land must have rain that originates as water from the oceans for their grass to grow and support herds of animal life, ocean pastures need something in return from the land and that is vital mineral dust blowing in the wind from land as a gift of life to the sea. It’s a yin and yang sort of relationship.
But CO2 helps plants grow and on land this means more grass growing means less dust blowing.
As a result of dust in the wind disappearing because of us the ocean pastures upon which billions of people depend upon for fish to eat are in cataclysmic decline.
The good news, as promised, is that we can replenish and restore the ocean pastures and help them bloom in the natural health and abundance that they and we enjoyed 100 years ago. And what we need to do to accomplish this miracle is simply to become good shepherds of our ocean pastures. No rocket science here, just plain and simple common sense pasture management. I’ve proven it in the first large-scale 50,000 km2 ocean pasture replenishment and restoration project to bring back the fish.
And the cost of this common sense loving care for our ocean pastures? It will cost just pennies. A penny for our planet from each of us. In the currency of climate change and global warming instead of paying the green and black purveyors of doom and gloom and banksters their impossible toll of $100/ton ocean pastures will scrub billions of tons of CO2 out of the air and repurpose it into ocean life at a cost of one penny per ton! It is so DIRT CHEAP because what the ocean need from us is mineral rich dust… you know some call it DIRT. Well actually better is iron ore rock dust but it sure looks like dirt.
We can continue to argue and haggle over the price of doing the right thing for Mother Nature and our earth and oceans
We can each simply dig deep, look under the couch cushions, borrow from your children’s piggy banks and
This spring we can become good shepherds of our ocean pastures and if we do so on just 100 such pastures as I have proven IT JUST WORKS in the first pasture replenishment and restoration project. Our 100 ocean pastures soon to be restored will repurpose more than a billion tonnes of CO2, more than 1/8th of the entire worlds CO2 problem, away from becoming acid forming ocean death and into ocean life. In the bargain we will produce more than a billion additional fish that we can serve a world of hungry people.
The cost, each of the 100 ocean pasture replenishment and restoration projects will use less than $100,000 worth of mineral rich rock dust to repurpose 10 million tonnes of CO2.
It won’t cost hundreds of billions or take decades to become good shepherds of our ocean pastures, it will cost mere millions and can be accomplished immediately. As for the value of the carbon safely repurposed we’ll measure it but not monetize it, just consider that CO2 value our tip to Mother Nature for providing billions of meals of nutritious pasture fed fish for the world’s hungry.
(Don’t believe this will feed the hungry… here’s proof of more than 100 million servings of my pasture fed Alaska salmon being served to hungry American kids right now via USDA Food Aid programs.)