A new paper showing 50 year ten fold increase in one ocean pasture phytoplankton Cocolithophores portends ocean ecology crisis Trouble with the world’s most important…

There is and has been since, the notion of a carbon market emerged, a steady drum beat boosterism of market PR working to push the…

Bold plan to at once help end world hunger and deliver the largest global CO2 reduction slated to begin in 2016. Billions of addtional fish to feed the world as billions of tonnes of climate changing CO2 are safely mitigated.

Mr. Presidents Here’s Something To Agree To Simple care and caring for our common home will provide all the fish the world can eat plus Mother…

Sydney’s Red Dawn The dust storm season of spring 2009 was particularly active. On September 22 Sydney awoke to a “Red Dawn”. The storm continued…

Just published in the Journal of Geology is a paper detailing the history of dust in the wind and it’s historic influence on ocean pastures…

Early in December, hundreds of politicians and tens of thousands of devotees, from 196 countries, will convene in Paris spending up to a billion dollars to carry…