Every night the greatest migration on our blue planet takes place. When darkness falls a nearly infinite multitude of tiny ocean organisms swim up from…

The Ocean Methane Paradox Vast regions of the world’s surface ocean which are richly oxygenated are strangely super-saturated with methane. Since oxygen rapidly destroys methane…

Guided Reading Index ( an index under construction) This blog has 400 or more posts and it can be daunting to study for those interested…

Today I received an email from a long time friend who is a Scottish Wind Power engineer. He’s has been concerned about just how much…

In Africa The Consequence Of Global Warming Is Hunger Amongst The Fisherfolk Who Depend On Africa’s Great Lakes The big lakes in Africa, like Tanganyika,…

Recently I have been hearing from people around the world who are concerned and wanting to help do something to help restore the health of…

Paris Accord now ratified and in final days before coming into full global force! But what’s next? If you wish to turn down the heat…

Once again the miracle of life reveals that there are no ‘free loaders’ in Nature Tiny zooplankton like krill that graze on ocean pastures evolved…

In climate science ‘models predict’ that warming of the air and oceans leads to more evaporation and that moisture laden air must lead to more…

Sometimes Nature Seems To Be Trying To Catch Our Attention Would you pay attention if she winked at you? Mother Nature has something very important…

Ten years ago I was privileged to be invited to speak at a Green Conference in Chicago There I met a great guy by the…

Just Published Are Hundreds Of Pages Of A Scholarly Summation On The Crisis Of Ocean Warming This racehorse report designed by a committee of nearly…

Tunacrats meeting just ended without new tuna agreements, despite 97% of Pacific Bluefin Tuna having been eradicated. Political will to save the last 3% of…

Two years ago the worst toxic waste spill in global history occurred when the Mt. Polley dam that contained a massive lake of mine waste…

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldie’s dilemma and ours is how do we find what we need that is…

As reported in Journal Nature CO2 warming was insufficient to produce the Great Warming 55 million years ago The high CO2 of that age produced…

New Paper In The Journal Science Says Hurricanes Unexpectedly Diminished Hurricane intensity and frequency is down due to the reduction of aerosols happening globally, by…

Venus was once a planet with a warm plankton filled ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to two billion years. In our evolving solar…

The terrible drought decimating trees comes from Mother Nature’s tears having dried up. That we all lose our ability to produce tears when we suffer…