CO2 Science Shows It’s Worst And Most Immediate Effects Are In Our Oceans! Facing off with denialists can be futile or worse. Talking with the…

Behind that lonely sign, lies not a place we can afford to ignore, rather it is the very heart of Mother Nature. The ongoing armed…

Oceans are revealed as the primary management of CO2 by new satellite time series More grass growing means less dust blowing – good news for…

Last year saw a tripling of the number of starving sea lions and seals previously found on California beaches as their vital ocean pastures turn…

Tens of thousands, more likely hundreds of thousands, of Alaskan seabirds have starved and are starving to death again this winter, as their sustaining ocean…

All along the West Coast of North America, the future feared is here today! But all is not lost if we heed this ocean warning…

Chilean Squid Deaths Blamed On Low Oxygen In Ocean Water Such low ocean oxygen calamities are a result of the collapse of ocean plankton pastures…

Just plain everyday folks are needed and precious few of those. How many? Neither millions nor even thousands of people are needed, mere hundreds can…