Why Are The World’s Great Whales Dying
Just today comes a new report of finding eight more giant Sperm Whales dead on a German North Sea Beach.
In the past 20 years (240 months) there have been, in total, 82 Sperm Whale deaths in the North Sea, the past month alone accounts for 25% of those 82 deaths!
It’s not just North Sea whales dying, a great global dying of great whales and myriad other marine life is taking place in all of the World’s Seven Seas. There is good news, help is on the way!
Clearly the repeating reports of whales dying proves something terrible on a global scale has been taking place in the World’s Seven Seas. It is neither some pollution event as international tabloid style news and social media are first to claim in click bait headlines, nor is it global warming aka climate change as the great dying is taking place everywhere in warm and cold seas. It is something wrong in the oceans everywhere.
A Global Diagnosis
What the dying whales of this great dying event have in common with other ocean life in crisis is that they are all creatures whose lives are utterly dependent on thriving ocean pastures. As everyone knows when a pasture on land fails and becomes a desert that pasture can no longer sustain its herds of animal life.
Update: A report just in from the science journal Geophysical Letters documents the 16 year collapse of ocean pasture phyto-plankton in the Indian Ocean with a terrifying 30% decline. That 2% per year loss in the Indian Ocean is especially bad news as 16 years ago the Indian Ocean was ranked as the healthiest ocean on this blue planet.
All of the World’s Seven Seas are not made up of some uniform mixed liquid environment, no matter how they might appear to we terrans who gaze out upon their featureless blue waves. Our seas are an ecosystem that is patchy by nature with ocean pastures forming rich life-sustaining bits amongst vastly larger areas of the seas that are for all intents and purposes blue deserts.
Healthy ocean pastures are oases of life upon which much of ocean life, especially the larger forms like whale graze.
Finger pointing
When we look at the great dying we are seeing today with whales, seabirds, sea-lions, seals and more dead and dying of starvation on our beaches it is folly to lay the blame to the politically favourite catch-all of ‘climate change.” It is an even greater folly to imagine that when climate change is solved all will be well with the oceans. Indeed such finger-pointing at ‘climate change’ is the most dastardly money-grubbing spin mastering imaginable.
We no longer tolerate such manipulation of our media and ourselves by villainous tobacco sellers. For more than half a century, beginning with American President Eisenhower, who cried out to beware of such money-grubbing spin by the military industrial complexes we have known better than to be taken in by ‘spin masters’. Today we all now victims of the spin of a ‘climate industrial complex?” Why you might ask, Ike had a response to that we can aptly refer to, ‘follow the money.’
Sadly for me as a scientist I see clearly from the inside that a accomplice to this persistant folly is that science is a dog-eat-dog business fraught by intense competition for R&D money and worse for attention. Don’t get me wrong here I am in agreement on ‘climate change’ being a dire and desperate crisis for this world wrought by our CO2 but ahead of climate change on the scale of real and present danger is the crisis our CO2 is producing today in the Seven Seas, the bodies of sea life everywhere is clear evidence of this.
Why is it then that our singular awareness of the dire consequences of our emissions of fossil CO2 is relegated to being only “global warming aka climate change?”
The recent Paris Accord negotiated by more than 40,000 delegates and approved by 196 nations has proved beyond any shadow of doubt that money is the name of the game! Present estimates are for the Paris Accord to result in $3.6 TRILLION dollars per year of new climate/carbon tax money to be allocated to fight ‘climate change.’ For the two weeks of the Paris conference the role of oceans was absolutely verboten from the conference paperwork, only in the last hours of the very last overtime day of the two week meeting did oceans, which cover 71% of our blue planet, get added into the Paris Accord paper work in a single sentence.
Noone of the specificity of the elaborate Paris Accord document that speaks to all manner of political, banking, and technological privilege through which the trillions will funnel was offered ‘the oceans’ but at least the villains who worked so assiduously to prevent any mention what-so-ever of the oceans were in the end forced to back down.
Why are oceans solutions so feared by the world of climate change?
If, as the new Paris Accord documents the world’s intentions, is followed then the world is setting a course that will take many decades to follow where the starting expense will be $3 Trillion per year to imagine, legislate, invent, build, and deploy solutions to slow the havoc wrought by our planet changing CO2. All of the 40,000 delegates to the Paris Accord can rest assured that their pensions will be fully funded for the rest of their comfortable lives.
The trillion-dollar question of course is will all this help, and of course it will, but whether that help will arrive in time for the great whales dying today and tomorrow along with the rest of ocean life. Tragically the answer to that question of today is also very clear, ‘climate change’ help with all the good intentions of the Paris Accord will not arrive on time for our ocean pastures and the ocean life that they sustain and support.

Cologne Carbon Expo World’s Annual Carbon Market Event & Tradeshow where I sponsored a booth on this trade show floor to tell the world about restoring seas & trees
The fear of what the oceans might do in the world of climate change that is so widespread amongst the power brokers of the ‘climate change’ world was elucidated to me some few years ago at the giant Cologne Carbon Expo in 2006. There I had paid for a booth on the floor of the trade show of that week-long conference on climate/carbon banking, trading, and technology. (One of my employees who just happens to be married to the most beautiful woman on earth manned the booth with his lovely wife, our booth had a constant attentive crowd whenever Zhenia was there.)
There I/we presented my view of the world where oceans that are Nature’s most powerful management mechanism for global CO2, manmade and naturally produced, are the logical and most urgent place to focus our attention on solving our human CO2 crisis.
On background of the present maelstrom – restore the seas and trees
I spoke to the tens of thousands in attendance in Cologne about how ocean plant life should be viewed like the familiar plants we look to on land to help us manage our noxious CO2, the trees and other terrestrial plant life. I told how I was working on developing into practical technology the restoration of ocean plant life, the phyto-plankton of ocean pastures.
I explained I was not the inventor of this ocean concept, rather that for a preceeding 20 years a quarter of a billion dollars of public global scientific monies had been spent doing the foundational science and research. As everyone at the climate conference agreed, as have those in the recent Paris conference, planting and tending to TREES is a worthy climate change effort.

My 2012 ocean pasture replenishment and restoration work in the NE Pacific returned the ocean to life as seen in the largest catch of salmon in all of history in Alaska the next year. click to read more
Restoring the SEAS, and what I have called their ocean pastures, is demonstrably wildly more efficient and effective than helping trees. For God’s sake help save the trees but there will be hell to pay if we forget the seas. For starters the oceans cover 71% of this blue planet where as land capable of growing plant life, including trees, adds up to a mere 17% of the planet.

Here’s the present distribution of CO2 in its free and fixed state. Clearly the oceans are where we can work with carbon best.
The vast majority of plant sustaining lands, forest and pastures, can only sustain grass! In the global carbon scheme the oceans manage some 60,000 billion tonnes of carbon while all of the lands of the planet manage about 2,000 tonnes, 1/30th of the ocean potential. With the human crisis of CO2 adding up to ~10 billion tonnes of surplus accumulating CO2 every year I said,
“Where might our puny human efforts be easier to slip into Nature’s carbon scheme of things. In the small environment or the large one? I maintain and have now proven we can do the most, immediately, sustainably, and affordably by restoring ocean pasture plant life.”
What my presentation in Cologne elicited from those in attendance was remarkable. One of the top officials of the European Carbon Bank approached me and asked in a very friendly manner that I go sit with him over a glass of wine. He was in charge of managing annual transactions in the European carbon/climate market that at the time was in the neighborhood of 100 BILLION Euro’s. With a glass of very fine French wine in hand he began by saying to me…
“Russ, I am French and I grew up with Jacques Cousteau as my hero and I love everything you say about restoring and saving the oceans. But I must tell you that if even 10% of what you say is true you will destroy our climate/carbon markets. And so I must tell you that we will oppose you.”
Luc was very sincere and determined, and I and my work are living proof of his and his ‘climate industrial complex’ war on what I have been working to deliver to the world on behalf on not only my grandchildren but also on behalf of the grand children of the great whales and the rest of ocean life.
I have now gained global notoriety though my work that has proven, in the world’s largest and most intensive open ocean science and technology experiment/demo ever conducted, that by restoring ocean pasture plant life that our deadly ocean killing CO2 will be, with our help, repurposed into new ocean life.

Sunday Times of London and ‘Merican’ media have provided a full range of coverage on me and my work to restore ocean pastures!
My European Carbon Bankster’s greatest fears are coming true through my demonstrated large scale efforts that have proven that restoring ocean pastures will each year convert billions of tonnes of our CO2, the lion’s share of the global CO2 crisis, into new ocean life. We have Natures antidote to the poison that is killing our oceans and our climate in hand, we must save the patient.
In the bargain for this good work some of that ocean life we recreate will be immediately returned to us in the form of billions of additional fish every year that will help us to end world hunger!
And the cost, yes the cost, that is the problem and creates the fear for the ‘climate industrial complex’ and its banksters, delegates, and carpet-baggers… My cost will be mere millions of dollars each year… yes you read it correctly that is MILLIONS NOT TRILLIONS, each year.
Here’s my true story describing some of the wonder of whales to reward you for reading this far. It’s a tale of two Orca’s, Uncle Fred and Little Fred…
Watch for my Seven Ships To Save The Seven Seas – they set sail very soon!
So in-spite of the constant internet DDOS and hacking attacks that are bothersome, and in-spite of the myriad mass media attacks on me, on behalf of grandchildren of all kinds, my own included. Help is on the way to restore ocean pastures in all of the World’s Seven Seas. It’s a dusty job but someone has to do it, Join me! (Don’t care to help, then sit back and watch my dust!)
New book , “Blue Deserts” by Steve Kasprzak exposes the impacts of high latitude mega dams on ocean eosystems. These dams store the spring run off, heat it all summer, and release it in the winter. The timing of nutrient delivery and volume is opposite to what nature has adapted to. It is not surprising that diatom phytoplankton , the foundation, of the food chain are suffering in their population numbers. In addition, ocean currents energy are altered by dams thus changing ocean upwelling energy. These are also important for supplying nutrients to phytoplankton.
Last week a 30 foot whale washed ashore dead on Mumbai’s biggest beach . The week before I think in Chennai 30 whales were washed ashore but they werent all dead .