Red Iron Sand Beaches Of Galapagos Sustains Ocean Refugia As Global Bluing Worsens
In the middle of the clearest and most lifeless ocean on earth red iron sand beaches of the Galapagos Islands sustain an oasis of life, an ocean refugia from the blue desertification of the world’s oceans.
Mineral dust, vital to all ocean ecosystems is disappearing fast as CO2 enhanced global greening covers the earth in grass and far worse a disastrous global bluing of the world’s ocean pastures.
We can make the oceans green and alive again.

Galapagos sea lion swims in a heavenly green sea blooming with life, an ocean refugia made possible by iron rich red sand.
On this blue planet the farther away from dry dusty land ocean regions are the bluer and more lifeless they become. We land dwellers, terrans, have an odd way of thinking about water, we like it clear and blue, and the clearer and bluer the better we think.
That might be a good thing if you are just vacationing on or in the 72% of this blue planet that is oceans but it is a very wrong idea if you are any form of ocean life. Just as we like our pasture homes here on land to be green and lush so do the inhabitants of ocean pastures, the greener the better!
Global Bluing

In this ‘chlorophyll’ image from space the Pacific Ocean west of the Galapagos Islands (in black) one can easily see the effect of it’s red iron sand beaches nourishing an ocean refugia where ocean life and biodiversity is sustained. To the north and south this eastern South Pacific Ocean contains the ‘Clearest Water on Earth‘, the most lifeless water on Earth!
Ocean pastures around the world are become dying or dead ‘blue deserts’ as they are trapped in a many decades long cycle of drought. For ocean pastures drought means a time when the dust does not fall (oceans don’t need the rain). Ocean dust fall has dramatically declined, in the worst hit areas there is but 1/16th of the amount of dustfall that once arrived on the wind.
Think of dust as the yang to the yin of rain that keeps our pastures on land green and alive. For 50 years now the oceans of the world have been suffering through an ever worsening drought of dust. This ocean drought has been brought on by the power of our high and rising CO2 that has produced widespread global greening, more grass growing, less dust blowing, and the even more widespread and disastrous global bluing.
The immediate consequence of global bluing is seen in the ever increasingly common reports of ocean life disappearing. Be it sea lion pups abandoned to starve to death on the beaches of California by their own starving mothers, hundreds of thousands of seabirds starved to death washing ashore on beaches around the world, and collapse of ocean fisheries from krill to tuna – all these ‘natural disasters’ and mass die offs of ocean life are the consequence of global bluing and the collapse of the carrying capacity, the phytoplankton, of ocean pastures.

During the last Ice Age humanity found refuge in the three regions and from those places of safe refuge repopulated the European continent as global warming caused the ice to retreat.
Ocean Refugia
During past climate change epochs, aka ice ages, life of all kinds was saved from freezing and extinction by safe micro-climate refuges where it remained warm enough for survival, these regions are known as ‘refugia.’ If it were not for these refugia the ice age climate epochs and mass extinctions would have been far worse.
Around the world once lush ocean pastures the largest and most important ecosystem(s)on this blue planet used to be brimming with fish and all manner of sea life. They are today collapsing far faster under the onslaught of any other aspect of CO2 driven “climate change.’ Even the most dire ‘climate change’ effects will take decades to produce dramatic effects but ocean pasture life, the phytoplankton grass of those vital pastures, has been disappearing at a rate of 1% per year for decades!
In a terrestrial context one might better understand this as being the loss of ocean plant life equivalent to the eradication of an entire Amazon Rainforest every five years. Everything you have heard or read about the plight of the Amazon Rainforest is all about the loss to date of just 20% of the Amazon, seen by many as the lungs of the Earth. In fact the ocean pastures have, over the past 50 years, suffered the eradication of 10 entire Amazon Rainforests, but no one seems to have noticed. After all the oceans have become ever more clear and beautifully blue, deadly blue.
To Do or Not To Do That Is The Question
We must restore ocean pastures before it is too late!
Even if one is inclined to do the right thing to help save the world what actually works. Sure screwing in one energy-efficient light bulb helps, but it helps very little. Activities like planting of trees take many decades to produce a measurable effect. Recycling and conserving energy and water will slowly make a difference but in the near terms the results are largely symbolic acts of political correctness.
Nature has taught us how to regenerate and restore the ocean pastures and repair the damage we are doing to them. But the cost of this MUST DO work is so inexpensive it runs afoul of vested interests in the climate change industry who feed like vast hungry herds at the trough of the persistent climate cold war they sustain.
Every movie star and celebrity it seems has a PR agency working tirelessly to create their clients ‘green’ imprimatur or even brand. While Kermit the Frog has been quoted as saying “It ain’t easy being green” for celebrities it surely is the fast track to popular acclaim and the riches that follow. Countless celebrities earn enough each year to be able to afford to single-handedly regenerate and restore the world’s dying ocean pastures.
Simply Give Back The Dust

Just me and 10 shipmates on a modest fishing boat giving back to our dying ocean the red dust we have denied them making those oceans into ever bluer deserts. The fish came back in my work to historic abundance, at a fraction of the cost of a private jet junket. How about it Leo, will you sponsor just one small boat and a few hardy crew to save one of this Blue Planets Seven Seas?
Given that the largest and most vital living ecosystem on this blue planet is our ocean pastures and that they are becoming blue deserts for the want of miniscule amounts of natural red dust we can and must give back to our oceans the dust we have and are denying them. That the fundamental and powerful role of mineral dust rules the seas has been perfectly clear in the world of ocean science for 30 years.
Over those past 30 years scientific research and development of the technologies and methodologies to replenish the oceans missing dust and restore vital ocean pastures has been going on in the world’s leading scientific institutions and private green technology development industry.
It Just Works!
You can read everywhere on this blog about how replenishing ocean dust and restoring ocean pastures has been proven to work and will work as we devote every effort to saving the oceans from the deadly harm caused by mine and your CO2 emissions! The story below shows how Mother Ocean works with us, when I restored a large ocean salmon pasture in the Gulf of Alaska in 2012 the following year instead of the 50 million salmon expected to be caught in Alaska 226 million salmon were caught. The largest catch in all of history.
The same miracle of ocean pasture regeneration and restoration will work for Atlantic Cod, Tuna of all species in all oceans, and countless other fish. Within 5 years billions of additional healthy wild fish will be filling the nets and end up on the plates of hungry people around the world. Enough to end world hunger! All at a cost of a few million dollars per year, a fraction of the income of one single celebrity!
Awesome. Very glad to have learned about this. Curious for more details. Do you have pictures?
How much did that 2012 project cost? Would crowd funding be a viable option? What about contributions from the fishing industry?