Restoring 10 Ocean Amazon Rainforests In Just 5 Years
10 Regenerated Ocean Amazon Pastures Will Naturally Manage The World’s CO2 Crisis And Bring Back The Fish
Cheaper, Better, & Faster than any other solution to save and feed the world.
For many the icon of climate and environmental chaos on this planet is the Amazon Rainforest, commonly called the lungs of our planet, it breathes in CO2 and breathes out Oxygen
But it is truly the oceans that are most the endangered lungs of our blue planet.
The oceans have seen the worst of the impacts of our high and rising CO2. Many scientific reports have noted that over the past 50 years ocean plant life, the green phyto-plankton, has been eradicated at the rate of 1% per year.

A more accurate globe. Imagine the 10 lost Amazon’s being regenerated in the oceans around the world. Those restored ocean Amazon’s become once again the most powerful natural solution to our CO2 crisis and save our blue planet and providing food for all. – click to enlarge.
In a terrestrial context during every 5 years the oceans have been losing an equivalent amount of plant life to an entire Amazon Rainforest. So over 50 years that is 10 entire Ocean Amazon forests that have stopped their work as the lungs and life of this planet breathing in CO2 and breathing out Oxygen.
It is true that the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest has been and continues to be a terrible example of humankind’s assault on Nature. At 6.7 million km2 (twice the size of India) the Amazon forest is virtually unrivaled in scale, complexity, and opportunity. The Amazon’s green plants breathe in 2 billion tonnes of CO2 each year. But the trouble in that green paradise is clear, according to the World Wildlife Fund, almost 20% of the Amazon has now fallen to make way for agriculture and other modern human pursuits.
Hundreds of organizations around the world have sprouted with the honorable intentions of helping to save the Amazon and other rainforests. They count millions of devoted followers and have made some progress at slowing the destruction of vital rainforests. There is however precious little that has been or can be done to regenerate the rainforest lungs of this Earth.
The oceans offer a most important lesson and opportunity. First, it is the ocean forests, also known as ocean pastures, where the most dreadful impacts of our fossil fuel age are wreaking havoc. Through the loss of ocean plant life the ocean’s power to keep our blue planet in its Goldilocks’ Zone is collapsing. Ocean plant life has been the most powerful force of Nature on our planet for billions of years.
- Ocean plants capture and repurpose CO2 into new ocean life – that’s photosynthesis.
- Ocean plants are sensitive to getting sunburned so they produce natural sunscreens – we call them clouds! The ocean plants are responsible for producing more than 2/3’s of all clouds that shade our blue planet. We call this ‘Plankton Cooling.’
- Ocean plankton cooling or the loss of it is resulting in ocean warming. Ocean warmth/coolness is the principal controlling influence on global warming and climate.
- Revived ocean Amazon’s will prove their worth to us by growing and sending billions of additional fish into our nets and onto the plates of all of humanity, enough to dramatically curtail world hunger.
We must and we can restore ocean plant life, plankton cooling, and curtail ocean warming
Our ocean plants are disappearing because our high and rising CO2 is starving them of vital mineral micronutrients, dust in the wind.
As we restore the dust our modern society has denied the oceans they will stop turning into lifeless blue deserts and become lush life-filled blue-green ocean pastures immediately.
Scientific studies involving 50 nations have been applied to this ocean promise for 30 years. Large scale ocean experiments have proven IT JUST WORKS and that it is safe, sustainable, and remarkably low-cost AND IMMEDIATELY!
One picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s that picture!

My 2012 ocean pasture replenishment and restoration work in the NE Pacific returned the ocean to life as seen in the largest catch of salmon in all of history in Alaska the next year. Similarly restored cean pastures around the world will bring back the fish everywhere.
Together we can save the world by restoring the oceans to historic levels of health and abundance.
Join Me
Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn’t do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain.
Please fill in the comment form below and provide your email, we will keep you posted when the call is to be made for all hands on deck to set sail to save our Blue Planet. Ideas and volunteers are welcome.
I like your connections!
I found your website when I searched for any efforts to restore lost rainforest in the Amazon Region. I’m very interested in your work. This is great and I appreciate the ecosystems approach of “less is more” and relating together the wholeness of the planet. We CAN correct our mistakes with ease and integrity.
I believe you have found a way to help mother earth restore herself on multiple levels and we are her stewards and gardeners; on land and sea.
I’m so impressed to see the convergence of lowering oil and fossil fuel demands AND the minimal costs related to increasing ocean life and health that will bring about the restorative nature of our planet.
My work in ethics is in its infancy on a global level, yet I find your work encouraging to pursue my efforts in global ethics. We have “all kinds of humans” for the very reason that you see in caring for the ocean life and well as land and air.
Thank you!
This is interesting, I’d love to know more.
Keep up the great work!
i volunteer.
Some few people seem to think this post is overly optimistic and that 10 Amazon’s cannot be restored for a few million dollars, one millionth of the proposed Paris Carbon Taxes… OK they are welcome to move the decimal place, restoring even 1 entire Amazon worth of plant life would provide an incredible benefit to Nature and us.
I’m in.