In the face of calamitous decline of ocean pasture habitat, what can be done? Alaskan wildlife managers do no more than call for more research…

The EPIC satellite camera began sending photos of the earth back to us in July 2015 Now a time-lapse video shows a year in the…

Researchers have conducted the first global analysis of the health and productivity of ocean plants using a unique signal detected by NASA’s Aqua satellite. The results and…

Plants are Nature’s way of managing CO2 on her blue planet They take in CO2 to make more of themselves as those plants die some…

This Blue Planet whose lands make up 28% is covered with grass far more than trees. It seems bigger isn’t better. According to a new…

It is said history repeats itself, we had better hope not! 360 million years ago it was the Devonian Age, aka ‘the greenhouse age’ and…

Whale Watching tour operators from San Francisco to Vancouver to New York ecstatic as hundreds of Humpback whales appear. Unprecedented reports of Humpbacks is proof…

Planet cooling plankton blooms in the North Pacific are in peril The ~30% loss of Pacific plankton in just decades is taking away the most…

Fewer than 3% of Pacific Bluefin Tuna remain In years gone past this greatest of all the tuna grew on verdant ocean pastures to become…

Endless global warming argument stalls our solving Natures crisis caused by humanity’s CO2. The truth of how our high and rising CO2 warms our blue…

We are eating more fish than ever. FAO reports consumption of fish has hit a record high, passing 20kg each per year mark. But the…