Starving Great Blue Whales Fleeing Blue Deserts Come Ashore
Reports keeping washing up on our shores of ocean life found like never before.
Blue Whales, the largest animals on this blue planet, have come close to urban areas in great numbers
Humpback whales are photographed with the silhouettes of New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle just over their shoulder
Wondrous and wonderful as visitations by these great whales might seem their presence portends a dire change far out to sea on the distant ocean pastures where they normally would be.
We have the proven knowledge and ability to save and restore their habitat, to make green again their ocean pastures, and we must do so, join me.
Just now there is a beautiful story of Great Blue Whales being reported to have suddenly appeared in historic numbers just outside of San Francisco’s Golden Gate. While seeing these normally shy great beasts is wondrous it is evidence of portending danger for the whales.
“Yesterday was gangbusters,” exclaims Jan Roletto, the research coordinator for the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, which falls under the NOAA umbrella. “On their first day out, the crew saw 85 blue whales and humpback whales. On the second day, I was there as the crew made 48 more whale observations. Such sightings suggest that the whales are making a strong comeback.”
‘This July alone, the crew of the R/V Fulmar has seen 237 whales far more than the 180 scientists recorded last year.
Upworthy headlines across the media accompanying gorgeous whale photos are proclaiming that the presence of these gentle giants means something good is going on in blue world.
The truth could not be more different.
There is a very far different view of what the sudden presence of blue whales amongst us says about the state of the oceans. The fact that we see more great whales close to shore near San Francisco and New York City when they ought to be scattered over distant ocean pastures 1000 miles from land is neither good news for the whales nor is it a sign of good health in the oceans. There are countless dangers near shore for these great whales.

New York City in the background reveals that great whales have come ashore in desperation as their far ocean pastures have become blue deserts – click to read more
The reason the great whales are coming near shore in large numbers, often right into our worst polluted harbours and bays is that their distant ocean pastures where they would normally be are being decimated by collapse of ocean plankton life. Those once verdant life-sustaining pastures have and are becoming ever more desolate clear blue deserts.
This desertification of the oceans is due to the drought of dust that used to blow in the wind to nourish and sustain ocean pasture plankton blooms, now gone due to global greening as a result of our CO2.
More grass growing means less dust blowing (click to read more).
Near shore there is an alternative source of the vital mineral micronutrients that ocean plankton blooms require to grow, that is the dirt and minerals that wash into the sea from the land and which are stirred up from the shallow lying seabed. Along the coastline such as California’s those near-shore waters have become the last fringe of ocean pasture plant life in the vast Pacific. Everywhere else the ocean blooms are in cataclysmic decline.
The loss of ocean pasture plankton blooms is proceeding despite the whale’s best efforts to do what they do best as the sustaining shepherds and farmers of their ocean pastures. Whales and ocean pastures evolved together and the whales do more than just eat and splash for our entertainment. Their role in tending to the ocean pastures that feed them and all of marine life is well understood, if not well-publicized. Her’s a fantastic short video that tells the story of caring whales.
Whale Apocalypse

This emaciated young Humpback whale was discovered on a Seattle beach 7 August 2016. When whales become desperately weakened by hunger they will often beach themselves to keep from sinking beneath the waves where drowning is certain – click to read more
Evidence of vast numbers of great whales being found starved to death along the coast of Alaska and Canada offer proof of the collapse of their pastures. Similar reports of the worsening Whale Apocalypse are to be found in all of the world’s Seven Seas.
Seabirds are reported dead and dying of starvation just now in Washington state in unprecedented numbers, as well the largest great dyings of seabirds in history has been widely reported in Alaska for a year and more, the same death toll for sea birds is repeated everywhere.
Californian’s know well the image of starving sea lion pups littering the beaches of the Golden state abandoned by their starving mothers who are largely lost at sea. The story is repeated over and over again across countless species of ocean life.

Phytoplankton – the grass of ocean pastures, or what remains of it can be seen hugging the coast in the NOAA image of chlorophyll summer 2015 – click to enlarge
Only near shore is there a small sliver of survivable life-sustaining ocean pasture and even there mostly not. Pandering ‘good news’ reports of ocean health returning when the last dying remnants of ocean life are sighted near our shores is the most crass and cruel we humans can do regarding our blue planets blue crisis.
Ocean pastures can and must be restored and regenerated and we have the proven means to do so with practical better, faster, low-cost methods that can and must be deployed immediately. The cost of performing this vital work is not yet another great sum of money as we have become accustomed to hearing about in this world of ‘climate change’, rather the cost to restore and sustain ocean pastures is so little as to be most remarkable for requiring so little money. We just have to DO or DO NOT.
Here’s a true story of what happens when one goes to sea to restore the ocean pasture that is home to whales, seabirds, fish, and of course plankton. Just as Arthur C. Clarke once wrote, “something is going to happen, something wonderful.”
A Tale Of Two Orca’s – Uncle Fred and Little Fred, A true story out of modern native legend and ocean science – click to read their story and how we can and must restore and regenerate their ocean pastures.
Join me in the DOING.