PODCAST – An Unexpected Meeting With A US Army Ranger Officer
When I started ending my blog posts with the call to action JOIN ME
I didn’t know who might show up, I wouldn’t have thought it would be a group of officers from the elite US ARMY RANGERS
But that’s just who were first to show up at my door to offer their help and to produce a Podcast about me and my work.
Soon to be ‘Captain’ John Bradley and I have become friends as we discovered the common elements in our lives.
Click below to listen to the first of two PODCASTS they did with me and read their story on my work. The second podcast should be up soon.
The AmericanElement.com was the web/blog PODCAST collection (now offline) of a team of US ARMY RANGER officers who have learned what it means to take on incredible challenges and do so by leading small dedicated teams of men and women supported by not only the best technology known but even more by incredible training of not only bodies but more importantly minds. The Rangers are modeled on Roman Centurions.
The Centurion is known in history as the most famous officer in the Roman army, and his experience, valour and leadership skills were indeed a crucial factor in maintaining order on the battlefield and ensuing Rome’s military successes that spanned centuries. Centurions often rose to higher administrative positions within the empire, but the name centurion would forever be associated with the veteran who, emblazoned with decorations, led by courageous example on the battlefield.
If you want to meet a real-life version of the Roman Centurion officer Gaius Maximus portrayed by Russell Crowe in the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Gladiator’, meet an Army Ranger officer like Captain John Bradley. Russell Crowe’s centurion officer Maximus is a man of honor and is incorruptible. He turns down an opportunity for power and riches because it violates the principles for which he stands.
In his ‘back-talk’ to the Emperor, he says,
“What we do in life echoes into eternity.”
Good words to live by.
Remember the Russell Crowe Centurion’s final scene
click this YouTube link