Hundreds Of Millions Of Pacific Salmon Missing And Presumed Dead
Across 10,000 miles of North Pacific ocean pasture declarations from Japan and the USA are reporting a cataclysmic collapse of Pacific Salmon.
The fish are tragically starving at sea as the plankton pastures have turned into clear blue lifeless deserts
This week the Trump administration proclaimed a state of emergency for Alaska’s largest Salmon fishery the Pink Salmon.
In Japan as well this week reported their largest salmon fishery the Chum salmon are in the worst condition for nearly 30 years.
Both Pink and Chum salmon have one thing in common their principal food is plankton.
Collapse of North Pacific ocean fish pastures has resulted in near total collapse of Pacific Salmon. The fish which once flourished in such numbers that pioneers talked of being able to nearly walk across great rivers on the backs of fish that filled the rivers from shore to shore are no more. Like all pasture livestock that live only by the grace of the grass that grows on their pastures, fish too live and flourish only when their ocean pasture grass, aka plankton, blooms to sustain them.
It’s not just Pacific salmon that are dying in the North Pacific all forms of ocean life are being reported dead and dying is stunning numbers. Hundreds of dead great whales, the largest numbers ever seen more being found dead on beaches in a single year than in previous tens of years, all reported to having been found in emaciated condition.
Seabirds by the tens of thousand, even hundreds of thousands found ’emaciated’ aka starved to death.
Thousands to tens of thousands of starving baby sea lions on the beaches of California.
Help is on the way, Join Me!
My 2012 ocean pasture replenishment and restoration work in the NE Pacific returned the ocean to life as seen in the largest catch of salmon in all of history in Alaska the very next year. The salmon kept coming and coming.
From the Columbia River north to Alaska salmon returns are proving to be among best in recorded history, according to reports by Fish and Wildlife officials and confirmed by throngs of happy fishermen. Seattle Times 14 June 2014
How To Bring Back Billions Of Fish, Feed The World’s Hungry
In 2012 after many years of development work my company Ocean Pastures completed a commercial-scale pilot project designed to restore and replenish a vital ocean salmon pasture in the N.E. Pacific. Ocean Pastures provided the technology, methodology, and scientific and engineering expertise via a limited technology license and other guiding business agreements with the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation.
When the salmon who lived in our restored and revived ocean pasture started swimming home in 2013 we were overwhelmed with reports of their numbers. Hundreds of millions of additional salmon over and above the numbers predicted by conventional fisheries science swam back to us with a second treasure trove of delicious data.
The SE Alaska Pink catch in the fall of 2013 was a stunning 226.3 million fish. This when a high number of 50 million fish were expected. Those extra ocean pasture fed fish came back because their pasture was enjoying the richest plankton blooms ever, thanks to me a 11 shipmates and our work in the summer of 2012.
The fish came back, and it is now more important than ever to head back out to sea to save them again!
Join Me. Help bring back the fish! It is not too late to save them!
The whales are starving on clear blue ocean deserts that were once their healthy ocean pastures. Plenty of posts on this blog tell the tale, over and over again.
Sir, why do you suppose there is a surge in starvation of whales along the Pacific coast?