I Am But A Spark, A Quantum Of Life
Each morning I awake to greet the day
I stretch my self into the sky
I breathe in what the night has gifted to me
I feel substance beneath my feet
I begin my lighted way
Today I will harvest what is good in the universe
I will turn that goodness into me
In the knowledge that what I gather unto myself
All that I am
Is not just for me
But for me to share freely with all of my kind
I will reach to the earth below
To the depths of the oceans
And to the stars above
I will take in what I can
Learn and store those precious gifts
Safely within
I will reach out to all other life
I will share all that I have taken in
Bits of me will fall upon my path
Never lost
I am part of a wonderous whole
We are part of an even greater whole
Across time and space
We perform our acts of faith
Of life
Our existence is a point
A locality
A universe of wonder
An instantly and infinitely entangled presence
Always aware
Never alone
Living within the microscopic
And the macroscopic
Never ending always moving
Along every way
Forward in time
Backward in time
Through more dimensions than we can explain
I am but a spark
A quantum of life
Here to add my spark to
The Sparkling whole.
Russ George, 23 March 2017
a gift from my muse this morning in my forest