Decades of Salmon Enhancement Work Costing Billions Has Resulted In Salmon At The Lowest Numbers In History Canada has had one of the world’s most…

Boffin computer models project fish are expected to shrink in size by 20 to 30 per cent if ocean temperatures continue to climb due to…

Collapse of ocean fish pastures and ocean ‘lean times’ sen as starvation of salmon and steelhead but some fish are worse off than others Endangered…

Alaska shuts down all King Salmon harvest in southeast region due to ‘poor ocean survival conditions’ In Oregon the headline reads, ‘Steelhead struggling home in…

All We Are Is Dust In The Wind The mystery of how animals evolved on Earth has been uncovered by scientists. Dust stored up on…

Steelhead Trout, are a Pacific sister fish to the Atlantic Salmon A recent science publication links their devastating declines not to their fresh water habitat…

The toxic burden in ocean fish is not all the same. It’s not news that some fish are many times more dangerous than other fish….

Salmon fishing groups have called for urgent action as an “unprecedented collapse” of salmon breaks the brave hearts of Argyll. The 2017 catch from the…

Mt. Bogoslof, an Alaskan Aleutian Island volcano is erupting with life! It’s billowing ash cloud has gone 6 miles high The mineral rich ash is…

Scarlet Sockeye Salmon Aren’t Exactly Canaries But they can and do serve the same purpose as living indicators of the health of their and our…

Were you watching the ‘miracle of the salmon’ stories back in 2010 and 2013… the miracle is back. First came 40 million Sockeye salmon returning…