Letters From The Front Lines Of The Climate War
Competing climate interests avariciously battle over turf and technologies.
Will we allow them to battle to the death of everything in their blood lust over dollars and dogma?
CO2 Recycling has become a topic in the world of climate change

My more than decade old treasured T-Shirt
This is an installment of my letters from the front lines of the climate war. It seems obvious to me that, beyond any doubt, recycling of CO2 is most efficiently and best done through supporting its conversion into sustainable living biomass. My 15 year old T Shirt that I am wearing today reads on the back “I restore Trees and Seas” (see attached photo).
As always, mother knows best and of course the mother I speak of is Mother Nature. So read on to see how if we help Mother she will help us.
Myriad benefits arise when our living planet is helped to be restored to its historic levels of life. Of our earth that covers 28% of this blue planet half is ice and rock leaving only 14% capable of sustaining life. Note even half of that can sustain trees and by far the most of the earth capable of sustaining a tree already has one growing there.
That leaves the 72% of the planet that is oceans as where life can best be restored and recycle our otherwise deadly CO2 into new life. Given that very conservative estimates show a 40%-50-% loss of standing biomass in the oceans there is where the need is also greatest, indeed the cataclysmic loss of life in the oceans at present far exceeds any loss of life predicted in the most dire ‘climate change’ models that might occur centuries from now. The real and present danger to life on this blue planet is in the blue.

That’s me at the back on the left with my crew of treeplanters in our 4mil poly cookhouse after a long hard day on the slopes each person planting about 1000 trees per day. Circa 1973. – Click to read more…
The cost of ocean ecorestoration is a tiny fraction of the cost of tree planting. As I have in my lifetime created and operated both very large-scale treeplanting operations and the largest ocean restoration operations ever I have what I believe a unique perspective on comparing the actual work it takes to restore trees and seas. Whereas the cost/benefit of planting trees comes out to a breakeven cost of somewhere between $5-$10 per tonne of CO2 repurposed into a living forest that takes decades to mature into an efficient CO2 recycling machine.

Me again washing up aboard Neil Young’s good ship Ragland in 2002 following a day of restoring vital red iron dust to an ocean pasture under sail on a 100+ year old schooner in Mid-Pacific.
The cost of ecorestoration of ocean pastures of plankton costs not more that $0.05 -$0.10 per tonne of CO2 repurposed into replenished ocean life that will restore our dying oceans and sustain them as living oceans. I speak as one who has done both, restored trees & seas, at large-scale. Most assuredly the oceans, with Mother Nature’s blessing and our help, can deliver an annual multi-billion tonne conversion of CO2 into new ocean life in less than 5 short years.
There has been a blue carbon climate war against the vital necessity of ocean ecorestoration for decades led by Malthusian greens and competing engineering technologies aligned with the nefarious climate carbon market. They have used Mossad-like organizations to produce an endless spew of defamatory diatribes against the ultra-low cost ocean restoration concept first put forth by the late great John Martin (director of the Moss Landing Marine Labs in California.) The academic and institutional ocean research community has conducted “research” on Martin’s “Geritol Solution” for decades at a public expense of a quarter of a billion dollars.
That same academic/institutional cabal sustains a cynical self-serving argument that their gold-plated research is not nearly done and of course they argue for more research dollars before any sort of real world deployment of the ‘vital dust’ the ocean is dying for lack of begins. The sustained efforts of the green/climate Mossad and the academic/institutional turf defence against all who might dare to deliver this vital real world saving ecorestoration technology is clear in the history of this field over the past 30 years.
When will we, the human race, put a stop to the enemies of life and living biomass who fight at every step to sustain the CO2 crisis that is the true weapon of mass destruction in the climate war and feeds the climate industrial complex avarice by delaying real world deployment/tests and development of vital technologies. Is there still time or are we already over the brink of the tipping point for global ecorestoration of photosynthetic life and all that it sustains? That remains a very perilous question that cannot be answered by academic armchair posturing and modelling. The answer can only be answered by real large-scale sustainable projects and the real data they will provide. Only the data can speak the real truth.
The greatest threat to our environment is waiting for someone else to save it!
You have a clear choice, choose, Life or Death. Don’t ‘duck and cover’, stand up and lend a hand.
Join Me.