Maunder Minimum vs. Yesterday’s CO2
Will The Next 11 Years Of Global Cooling Save Us
Or Will It Save Us Some Money
Both are questions of perspective and context
What is without question is any global cooling will rapidly accelerate deadly ocean acidification unless we act

Sun showing a dramatically bare face with no sunspots, save the spot on the upper left that is the International Space Station. Fewer spots cooler weather here on Earth…?
There is an interesting paper on the arrival of a new Maunder Minimum in the Journal Nature. The record low number of Sun Spots is what gives one reason to be concerned, the last time the world saw so few sunspots, the Maunder Minimum, some centuries ago, it was a time called ‘the little ice age.’
The question in some peoples minds, including a good friend and professor from Imperial College London who brought this question to my recent attention, is whether the Maunder Minimum will change/cool the weather. If so, is the world’s plan to spend trillions on climate change perhaps unnecessary as that cooling might save us the expense.
The Maunder Minimum and its effects are a question worth considering, but its cost implication is not the right question to be considering. The spending, need or relief, in question depends on what one is spending to achieve.
The root of this debate comes from the fact that during our fossil fuel/fool age industrial society has emitted more than a trillion tonnes of CO2, CO2 that has a lifetime of influence measured in centuries. Presently it is entirely this ‘yesterday’s CO2’ that is impacting the environment and climate.
Surely humanity is going to be responsible for emitting trillions of tonnes more CO2 and greenhouse gases in the future, but for now, the effects we suffer from are due to our past sins of emission. In the global plan to fight ‘climate change’, we, 195 nations who signed the Paris Accord, are committed to spending trillions to mitigate the impact ‘yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s CO2.’
It is Not Simply About Warming,
It’s about ‘Life As We Like It’
Keep in mind that the founding principle of the question at hand is that the crisis of yesterday’s CO2 ought NOT to be simply ‘global warming’ and climate change. As much as the climate physics community has laid claim to the topic and fights vigorously to stay ‘on message’, the climate effects of yesterday’s (and tomorrow’s CO2) are far more onerous on the living environment than they are on the climate. Surely the two interact but the notion that it is the climate that rules the living environment and not the other way around is just a sales pitch by the climate community designed to fill their research coffers, empower political change, and of course, satisfy the climate banksters. It is just plain wrong. The environment, Nature, is what keeps this world with conditions suitable for ‘life as we like it’.
We see in a steady downpour climate change news reports on the collapse of living systems on this blue planet. What is most worrisome is whether, not weather, our world can be helped to retain an environment for life as we like it. To be so singularly focused, as the climate change community is, on emissions yet to come, tomorrow’s CO2, is folly.
It is as if we are emergency room doctors who receive a patient who has been a victim to a deadly self-inflicted overdose of a drug, in this case, CO2. Instead of administering the antidote, we engage in endless debate about sending the patient up to the psych ward to be counseled on why they should not take a second lethal overdose of their drug of choice, CO2.
The antidote at hand is said to be so expensive, we fear the patient might be able to pay for it. We surely don’t want to be responsible for prescribing that expensive antidote if neither the patient nor their insurance or anybody else will ever pay the cost. On the other hand, we don’t want our department to be held accountable for the patient’s death. Better offload that patient, the responsibility for their death, and any costs onto the psych ward, everyone knows that is the crazy world where no one is responsible.
The importance of being earnest
The real importance of spending only arises when the cost is believed to be so high. The astronomical cost of the agreed remedies of the Paris Accord, trillions, and of the climate physics communities prescriptions to slowly treat climate change as a chronic disease, constitute a business plan for endless escalating spending, they do not offer a cure. IN FACT, there is a low-cost solution to ‘yesterday’s CO2 that is effective, immediate, and incredibly low cost, even profitable. That cure is the ecological restoration of ocean plant ecology that has been diminished by 50% by the effects of yesterday’s CO2.
The restorative treatment, as shown in 40 years of ocean science, was introduced in 1990 by the late great John Martin as mere part per trillion iron replenishment dosing of selected vast ocean pastures that we might return to historic health and abundance. Martin announced to the world 30 years ago that the ocean phytoplankton had always managed the global climate, not the other way around, and that they were/are in such a diminished state that they are no longer doing such a good job for life as we like it.
To be returned to their sustained natural healthy state where they give us our comfortable world and climate, Martin prescribed that all they require is a ‘half a shipload of iron.’ With that half a shipload of iron ore dust replenished to replace the dust we deny the ocean pastures humanity might nurture Nature and she will, in turn, take care of us all as she has always done.
The cost of that half a shipload of iron ore dust is mere millions, neither billions nor trillions, and it is the means to return and sustain life to this blue planet as we like it. So why is anyone debating about the amount of money that humanity must spend on behalf of our sins of emission, CO2, and saving the planet.
Ocean acidification the very real danger in the Maunder Minimum
Indeed about the impending Maunder Minimum, if, in fact, it occurs the health of the ocean will depend even more on our prescription of John Martin’s Geritol iron solution. As the world and oceans cool their capacity to take up more of that trillion tonne overdose of fossil fool age CO2 will be enhanced and greatly accelerated. The result will be global scale deadly ocean acidification.
CO2 naturally combines with H2O to make carbonic acid.
The formula is H2O+CO2 → H2CO3.
In natural bodies of water like the oceans, there are a number of allied reactions to make matters even worse.
The only means to buffer that massive acidification effect before it can do lethal harm is by using the immense power of photosynthesis to repurpose the deadly CO2 into new life before it becomes the inevitable acid. To help restore the power of ocean photosynthesis we must begin to nurture Nature and place our trust in her. We have proven we can safely and sustainably replenish her vital missing dust and restore her ocean pastures to historic health and abundance. You can read everywhere on this blog how we’ve done it. Here’s an entertaining link to some of our short videos to begin.
Below is a NASA Video on the arrival of the solar minimum.