Madrid COP25 A Great Success
Reports of Madrid COP25 Climate Conference ‘Failure’
It was not! The delegates at COP25 proved to be faithful to the Paris Accord.
So why all the media push to declare this successful meeting a failure?
Failure is a word that always must be considered within its context, ‘failure’ depends on ‘whose’ expectations and intentions failed.

Twitter flooded by raucous caws and claims by activists of Madrid COP25 failure.
The cries of failure of Madrid COP25 is rather similar to the left’s reaction to recent conservative election sweeps in the UK (and US). Who failed were some politicians amongst the climate change meme and their effort to make the ‘change’ in ‘climate change’ not be about sustaining our blue planets healthy environment, but rather to become a global political change agenda (aka follow the money).
Revealed is deep factional zealotry with some preferring glorified protest movements complacently luxuriating in the narcissistic conceit of their own moral superiority, rather than doing the hard and honest work to actually restore and repair the environment and the climate to its historic condition of health and abundance.
First, what failed at Madrid COP25 were the efforts and undertakings to con the assembled Paris Accord representatives into re-constituting 4.6 billion tonnes of long expired, Kyoto Accord credits called CDM credits. These were created in 2001 with an expiry date of 2012. As these were ‘free credits’ awarded to less developed world nations as a means to allow them to entice ‘developed world’ investment to put toward climate change mitigation actions in their developing nations they were effectively foreign aid chits with a trading value of a few dollars each. The total issued was about 10 billion tonnes.

Swedish teen Greta Thunberg has rightfully become an admirable global celebrity as she speaks out for real climate actions being necessary to replace decades of climate talks.
This CDM credit mechanism was widely used by industrialized nations and major corporations as a means to provide their investment to meet climate change commitments. It allowed them to meet their domestic requirements by doing good work elsewhere.
After all, growing a tree next to a German coal-fired power plant smokestack takes no more CO2 out the global air than a similar tree planted thousands of miles away. The CO2 from the smokestack that is here today in a matter of days can be a thousand miles away. So, for example, a German corporation, to fulfill its German government requirement for climate action, was allowed to pay for tree-planting abroad using the CDM credit system.
Alas while good work was done by Kyoto’s CDM it also became part of a dodgy investment game because climate credits are ‘bankable and tradable.’ For too many, their primary interest in ‘climate change’ was/is in the money to be made in gaming climate transactions, often heavily coated in greenwash, with little regard to doing real bona fide eco-restoration/climate-mitigation work. Since Kyoto and onward to Madrid, such efforts have been argued to be part of an ‘eco-justice’ agenda. Madrid climate bankster/speculator lobbyists fought for those who had held sway over those bankable/tradable CDM credits and held them to death during Kyoto years instead of spending them to empower real climate action.
As history shows us these gamed holdings expired in 2012, greed had done nothing for the gamers but buy them now-worthless stranded-assets. In the years leading up to Madrid, many holding this expired paper have been trying every dodgy story in the book to convince the world they should be gifted a CDM extension to 2030. That would represent a windfall, a climate changed jet stream, of profits as each credit in the new Paris Market is about to be trading with a value of scores of dollars each. Do the math 4.6 billion X $30=$120 billion. BZZZZT!!! No one at Madrid proved ‘interested in buying that particular ‘bridge’, thank god.
Eco-Justice On The Contingency Hunt
Second, failure at Madrid was the dark green so-called ‘eco-justice’ movement demands for climate reparations payments, code word adaptation payments, to be approved. This would use the Paris Accord to impose ‘transfer payments’ from rich nations to poor nations to cover the potential harm that rich nation emissions will foist via environmental degradation and climate change upon poor nations. There is little doubt that real harm is being done to the world’s environments and that poor nations have the least resilience to this environmental harm. For some green organizations especially those with western legal players, the mitigation need for environmental harm is simply measured in cash, and such legally obtained cash in the western legal world means ‘on contingency’. With such cash payments comes political power.
Again, BZZZZT, this was refused by the Madrid folks who refused to bite on that one, again thank the gods.
Countless folks, ‘dark greens’ and ‘climate banksters’, who were promoting these two ‘failed’ propositions, who by the way do their advocacy effectively on what amounts to ‘contingency fees and commissions.’ The ‘failure at Madrid’ to allocate the billions many hoped would be involved, has resulted in them now foisting the ‘failure’ news stories into global media and especially ‘social media’. We all know now the disaster of Social Media as it has been taken over by oligarchs and their amoral data-mining warriors like Cambridge Analytica. All in all, I see these two failures as a great success of Madrid. No one in real authority in the Paris process wants to engage in further argument, so we are seeing the claimed failure side of the story in the media, the winners in this, the faithful delegates representing the 195 Sovereign nations of the Paris Accord who want the world to get on with eco-restoration, are just letting the whiners twist in the wind.
Restoring the trees and seas reaffirmed
Third, The Madrid COP25 was advertised as the Blue or Ocean COP. Finally after 25 years and more of the climate change world trying to confine climate reality to only things associated with land the 72% of this blue planet that makes up the oceans was re-ratified as being key to climate reality. Major battles took place in the back rooms in Madrid by parties wanting to restrict climate reality to purely land-based action.
This ploy to keep the oceans and its dwindling eco-systems that are many times more potent a force in global climate than terrestrial systems out of the world’s commitments on action to save us from climate change failed. The ocean pastures are known to have enormous photosynthesis green phytoplankton power and potency.
When ocean pastures are restored to historic levels of health and abundance, they offer real proven hope to bring back the fish numbering in billions of additional catch each year. In doing so sustainably managed ocean pastures will repurpose tens of billions of tonnes of CO2 into restored ocean life. Such ocean restoration work is the safest (researched from decades), most immediate (requiring mere years not even decades), and most affordable (even profitable) of all climate change mitigation methodologies and technologies.
Bzzzt!! The terrestrial climate pirates were sunk by the steadfast COP25 representatives in Madrid.
Success Of Paris Accord At Madrid Was Very Clear The Future Lies In Eco-Restoration
To summarize what has happened in Madrid is the immediate stop payment order on what would have been a flood of scores of billions of dollars of old dead worthless credits from side-tracking new real work/action to be done as the Paris Accord market opens in January. Next year and for the next decade it will be a seller’s market for the world of real climate action, and especially ECO-RESTORATION.
There won’t be much ‘junk bond’ climate-action in the Paris Accord markets that begin in 2020. Or at least only a fraction of what plagued and bled the Kyoto Accord to death. Hence real projects with real new product will see a ‘hay day’, at least those with pasture restoration ‘hay’ to offer.
Equally important many of the ‘poor’ countries who are now not distracted by the promises of ‘easy money’ that would have been their small share of the sought after CDM gift horse cash, will if they can muster real projects find their new Paris Accord climate mitigation products in high demand.

Restoring ocean pastures to historic health and abundance will deliver billions of additional fish into our nets and onto the plates of people everywhere. Click to read more
Now the time has come to move forward with real projects that actually restore the world, especially the oceans, to the historic condition of health and abundance. In doing so we can bring back the fish everywhere where there is plenty of money to be earned by revitalized fishing industries.
Restoring verdant growth of ocean pasture phytoplankton to the levels that the world enjoyed 50 years ago will happen as billions of tonnes of climate-changing, ocean killing, CO2 becomes repurposed into restored ocean life.
So all in all from my point of view Madrid was a great success. There’s room for improvement which is sure to happen. But the Paris Accord that replaced the ‘global governance’ ‘top-down’ Kyoto Accord with a ‘bottom-up’ every sovereign nation is equally respected and expected to act responsibly to act to save and restore this blue planet is going forward as planned.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”
The greatest threat to the environment is waiting for someone else to save it.
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