Nature Wants To Push Back Against Fossil Fool Age CO2 On This Blue Planet Microscopic marine plants bioengineer the oceans to make their ocean pastures…

Eastern Atlantic Ocean Plankton Pastures Where Sardines Once Found Plankton A Plenty Have Become Clear Blue Deserts Sardines, a staple food of Europe for more…

HMS Challenger Sailed The World 1872-76 Following A Refit That Hammered Its Cannons Into Ocean Science Plowshares Sailing over 70,000 miles in the greatest ocean…

Paleozoic atmosphere 500-300 million years ago saw CO2 at 18 times of today, 7000ppm vs. 400ppm Mother Nature Took Charge And Cooled Things Off With…

My Hypotheses Is Mother Nature Rules This Planets Climate With Her Plankton Blooms Her ocean pastures where the phytoplankton blooms consume and use more energy…