stop the fires

Stop The Fires By Restoring The West’s Rain Making Ocean Pastures

Bring Back The Rain, A Job Only Mother Nature Can Do

But She Needs Our Help

Ocean plankton pasture restoration will bring back the cooling clouds and the rain

Here’s how we can immediately turn ‘doomsday’ into ‘bloomsday’ to help Nature restore our west coast rain ecology to stop the fires

California, Oregon, and the rest of Western North America is on fire following years of record heat and drought.  During 1972–2018, California experienced a fivefold increase in annual burned area, mainly due to more than an eightfold increase in summer forest‐fire extent. No one is questioning that the infernos cause is ‘climate change.’ This years fires are 5 times again greater than any other year! Sadly few are talking about meaningful actions that might be taken to stop the fires that so dramatically prove the steady climatic shift of Western North America into a fire ecology.

This present day holocaust is due to the effects of all of the yesterday’s accumulations of CO2 in the atmosphere. Yesterday’s CO2, more than a trillion tons of it, is now seen as a deadly dose for the West Coast of North America. So how might we reverse that effect and change the climate back to the healthy and comfortable one it was before we so callously poisoned it.

Hint – Slowing tomorrow’s emissions won’t do much, just like not taking a second deadly overdose of poison won’t save one from the first dose already ingested.

Here’s a chart of California’s precipitation over the past century.

california precipitation can't stop the fires

The tremendous decline in precipitation shows if we want to stop the fires, we must bring back the cooling clouds and rain.

Here’s how we can help immediately, effectively, affordably, and sustainably.

My premise is that by restoring the ocean pastures immediately upwind of the West Coast will, within months, replenish the production of low marine clouds. Remember the blue part of this blue planet covers 72% of our world. It is within those blue oceans that the vast majority of our climate originates and is empowered for good or bad. Replenishing and restoring the oceans to health is what we have proven we can do. Below are some images that show we have just the proven technology and ability to do this with safe, sustainable, miraculous effect.

Our large scale pilot project proving that technology and methodology we developed following 30 years and a quarter of a billion dollars in public funding works. We did this in partnership with outstanding credential including the participation of multiple Canadian ministries, Provincial government, and native peoples as partners. It just worked!

2013 Alaska Pink Salmon Record

In 2013, one year following our first large scale ocean pasture restoration the results of returning the ocean to historic levels of health and abundance swam back in the form of the largest catch of salmon in neighboring Alaskan history.

Alaska F&G Salmon Econ Chart 1975-2019

This Alaska fisherie economics report clearly illustrates the long lasting beneficial effect of our restoring the Pink Salmon nursery pasture in 2012. The fish came back and kept coming back.

Bringing the Rain to California’s Plain

Our plan is to begin ASAP to replenish and restore the ocean pastures of the Eastern North Pacific. This will bring back the fish as we have proven we can do and as it does this second miracle of the fishes it will simultaneously restore those ocean pastures cloud and rainmaking ability back to historic health and abundance they and we enjoyed some few decades ago. As our fish swim ashore and our  restored marine clouds blow ashore they will usher with them an immediate return to healthier times and cooler climes and most importantly vital fire breaking rain. See the charts below that offer a state of the art scientific backing showing the diminished and diminishing cloudiness/albedo.

It has become  increasingly clear in the scientific literature that plankton blooms are responsible for production of the vast majority of cloud nucleating bio-aerosol chemicals. 10% Of ocean photosynthesis is dedicated to producing cloud forming bio-molecules. This is because ocean plankton blooms must protect themselves from too much sun. But today ocean blooms are reduced by as much as 50% and with them a massive reduction in global cloud production and albedo, if so, this is the largest, by far, single factor in global warming. Ecorestoration of ocean plankton pastures is the ONLY means to bring back the cooling clouds, the rain, the fish, and all of ocean and neighboring terrestrial life.

Cloudiness decline

Declining cloudiness/albedo can be seen to correlate with decline of ocean pasture productivity

Collapse of ocean productivity

Declining ocean pasture productivity is seen in this chart

What’s Next

We hope this post will serve as our open letter to the Governors of California, Oregon, and elsewhere to engage with us to assist in our deployment of several 3-year pilot projects in the upstream ‘airsheds’ that deliver rain to the West Coast. Our Nature-Based solutions plan will deploy some few tens of millions of private finance to prove that by including the ocean pastures, rain pastures one might say, we will immediately hasten their recovery to a natural healthy condition. It makes just good scientific sense to plan for a 3-year pilot project, effort at that scale will suffice in 2-5 regions of the Eastern Pacific coming under our caring stewardship. Our extensive scientific studies along with invited scientific stakeholders will observe and record every imaginable facet of our ocean pastures and their downwind firescapes.

We can expect the immediate and long term results will be clearly seen in both the hard scientific instrument data gathered from aboard our research ships, from our underwater gliders, and the orbiting international fleet of earth and ocean studying satellites. Our ocean pasture are modestly large ocean areas, what are known as mesoscale eddies of about 10,000 sq. miles, which will receive our prescriptions of viral natural mineral dust that global climate change has denied these pastures resulting in their present collapse.

Join us to turn doomsday into Bloomsday.