Russian Volcano Bezymianny Brings Back The Fish
Russia’s largest catch of salmon in history is happening now, this 300-400 million salmon miracle is explained
Last spring Mother Nature sent towering clouds of rich volcanic ash into the North Pacific Ocean as Russian volcano Bezymianny erupted.
The salmon are proof that ocean restoration with natural dust simply works and the EU has just enacted €8.3 Billion per year to restore our Seas and Trees.
Bezymianny Volcano was an eruption last spring that delivered the most wonderful of dusty miracles. Sending vast clouds of ash which reached an altitude of 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) and traveled east-southeast for more than 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles). As the plume drifted over the Kamchatka peninsula and the Pacific Ocean, at the end of May, it could not have been more perfect timing for Pink Salmon, Gorbuscha in Russian. Billions of tiny Pink salmon minnows that washed into the sea with the spring snow melt, instead of mostly starving were treated to a feast!
Is there a lesson here?
Mother Nature I think has timed her volcano fish miracle to give humanity an encouraging wink. The European Union has, on 12 July, just passed the Nature Restoration Law which is to deploy €8.3 Billion every year to restore the trees and seas of Europe. As we see dust for the oceans is shown to be the way of Ocean Restoration. Not to be left behind the US Congress has the US Ocean Restoration Act ready for introduction when Congress returns from its summer recess. thanks to Republican stalwart Rep. Buddy Carter of Georgia the sponsor bridging party divides in pursuit of traditional conservation ethic and ethos, in the legacy of Teddy Roosevelt.
Together these powerful acts of leadership to restore and save this blue planet are all about deploying vital nature-based restoration immediately and they harken a major global policy shift to get boots on the ground and all hands on deck to just do it!
Back to the miracle of the fishes

Kamchatka and the North Pacific Ocean pasture region dusted in spring 2022. The circular mesoscale eddies are ocean pastures where all of ocean life prefers to be.
The Western North Pacific close to Kamchatka is a wonderland of ocean pastures that are synonymous with what science calls mesoscale eddies. When dust arrives in the proper pasture growing season the ocean turns from blue to beautiful emerald green, living green, overnight. The blooms continue for many months producing an incredible feast for all of ocean life, including baby pink salmon. Out at sea is where these fish put on 99% of their adult body weight.
The rich volcanic ash carries iron which is key for ocean plant life to carry out efficient photosynthesis. Bezymianny’s ash dusted the ocean for more than 1000 miles out to sea to the South East of the volcano.
Volcanoes are few and far between so these vital ocean pastures are usually reliant on mineral dust that blows in the wind from the dry lands of Western China and Mongolia. But there has been a dire and worsening drought of dust taking place for decades. Those dry grasslands today are flourishing and becoming covered with grass as high and rising CO2 in the atmosphere feeds plants on land. More grass growing means less dust blowing. The dust is today so diminished that the oceans are suffering from the worst drought in human history, a drought of dust that has reduced plankton growth by more than 50%.
Walt Whitman is well known for observing a fundamental truth of pastures saying, “All beef is grass”.
In the ocean pastures of this blue planet, “All fish is plankton.”
Bezymianny is a near-perfect match for the famous Kasatochi Volcano in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands back in 2008. Kasatochi blew its top very late in the summer ocean pasture growing season. It was however just in time to dust/feed the last of the great North Pacific Sockeye Salmon populations arriving from British Columbia. That volcano delivered the largest catch in all of history to Vancouver’s Fraser River, instead of the expected 1 million fish to return nearly 40 million fish came back.

It’s not a new idea, Mother Nature via Kasatochi has proven dusting her ocean pastures brings back the fish
These volcanoes and their dust/ash bring vital mineral micronutrients to the oceans and the oceans that immediately turn from clear blue deserts into lush green pastures. Instead of mostly starving fish, whales, and seabirds, all of ocean life is treated to a feast.
Here’s a musical way to learn about the miracle of the fishes, dust, and volcanoes.
Click this link to read, watch, and enjoy the longer musical Bringing Back The Fish.
MOSCOW, August 9, 2023 /TASS/. Russia’s Pacific salmon catch has skyrocketed year to date by a more than threefold increase year on year from January through August 8, 2023, totaling about 480,000 metric tons, or more than 300 million fish. the Federal Agency for Fisheries reported.
“The salmon fishing season is unfolding successfully in the Far East. The total catch of Pacific salmon is almost three times above last year’s figure and is 27% above the level in the same period in 2021,” the agency said.
Ocean Restoration Mother Nature Shows Us The Way
This miracle of fish in the North Pacific is absolute proof that its ocean pastures are only rarely at their peak of health and productivity. When they receive the vital dust they need they bloom with such potency as to produce billions of fish and all of ocean life in abundance. In almost every one of the World’s Seven Seas ocean pasture and their plankton blooms have collapsed by more than 50% in recent decades. The crisis is seen in reports of Over Fishing which is the cry of the fishing industry as fish stocks have plummeted. But the villains are not those bad overfishing pirates, they are merely convenient “Usual Suspects.”
Pastures on land lose their livestock and wildlife when they suffer from a terrible drought. Ocean pasture livestock, its fish, seabird, and whales are decimated by the lack of food that a healthy ocean pasture provides. Phytoplankton is the grass of our Blue Planet and the 71% of it that makes up our ocean pastures. Sure overfishing on pastures that have become clear blue deserts is inevitable but as the Volcano miracles prove, dust for the oceans will restore the plankton blooms.
Are We Learning From Mother Nature? Just a few weeks ago the European Union voted into law the EU Nature Restoration Law.
The law is being heralded in Europe as the most important environmental law in more than 30 years! It declares that decades of talk talk talk about climate change and environmental collapse along with demands for endless research must no longer be the only response. Europe has now declared that restoration of its Trees and Seas is a vital priority and it is putting the financial muscle €8.3 Billion Euro per year behind the deployment of solutions to restore its lands and oceans.
Across the Atlantic, the United States Congress echoes the call for an oceanic renaissance. The “US OCEAN RESTORATION R&D ACT,” a Republican, promising proposition will start by providing $33 million in yearly matching grants for deploying ocean restoration work. This funding facilitates immediate Ocean Pasture Restoration (OPR), also known as Ocean Iron Restoration. The resurrection of historical plankton populations through OPR sets the stage for containing acidification, harnessing the power to sequester up to 30 gigatons of CO2 annually – a monumental stride towards balance.
The path forward is clear: to purge the atmosphere of suffocating greenhouse gases, we must replenish and restore our ocean pastures to their historic levels of health and abundance. This restoration offers multiple blessings, as the revitalized plankton feeds all of ocean life, bringing back the fish, neutralizes ocean acidification, scrubs and sinks poisonous mercury leaving ocean fish once again the healthiest of all foods, and produces the largest and most immediate CO2 sequestration. It is Eco-Judo at its best repurposing our poisonous CO2 into new life.
Just how potent is Ocean Restoration?
Former UK chief scientist Sir David King pulled no punches beaming into Melbourne’s National Climate Emergency summit 2 years ago, arguing for a fast track to zero emissions and urgent deployment of carbon draw-down technologies.
“We have to move rapidly,” said Professor Sir David King, founder and chair of the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge University and a former advisor to both the Blair and Brown governments.
“What we do over the next three to four years, I believe, is going to determine the future of humanity. We are in a very very desperate situation.”
One promising new technique is ocean iron replenishment (OIR), which stimulates the growth of phytoplankton, a key building block of ocean ecosystems and the global carbon cycle. The phytoplankton has the dual benefit of removing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, as well as stimulating “a massive increase in ocean fish stocks”.
“We believe OIR would take up about 30 billion tons of greenhouse gases a year, so this one technique could deliver a very big part of what we are aiming for,” said King.
Ocean Pasture Restoration By A Mere 100 Villages Will Save This Blue Planet
Ocean pasture restoration is the path forward, it is proven to work, and ready for global deployment! We have proved it! Today our efforts are beginning with ten ocean pasture restoration businesses in partnership with nations in Five of the World’s Seven Seas. In each location, 3-years of pasture restoration married to state-of-the-art ocean science will bring back billions of additional fish into the nets and onto the plates of the world’s hungry. The pastures, designed to match Mother Nature’s pastures, will be replenished and restored with nature iron-rich mineral dust. More than 50 years of international ocean pasture research has already been accomplished so this is neither new nor unknown.
The proof of environmental safety, ecological sustainability, and economic viability will be proven.
Oh yes, and since fish and plankton are ‘carbon-based life’ as is everything on this blue planet the restoration of our ocean pastures will immediately scrub from our atmosphere every year billions of tonnes of our dangerous fossil fuel CO2 that is today destroying ocean life and changing our climate for the worse.
Join us there is so very little time left to restore our oceans.