In modern western nations most of us live in the black lap of carbon luxury. We need to learn what a low carb diet might…

The Discovery Channel and its Animal Planet series has been caught sliming science in pursuit of the tabloid dollar once again. Its latest “mermaid documentary”…

I have been reading several papers about the role of CO2 in plant ecology with regard to global climate. I’ve written to the several scientists in…

SQUAWK AND DON’T STOP SQUAWKING – Help save tiny birds on Egypt’s coast Terrible news has emerged from the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Bavarian Broadcasting are…

New report in the Journal Nature has revealed details on a very common and erroneous assumption on where water vapour comes from in the atmosphere….

Back in 2006 ocean scientists published an alarming report on the crisis ocean fish face. They released data showing that 90% of fish and other…

Headlines around the world herald the horrors of pirate fishing that is destroying what remains of global ocean fish stocks. But the same pirate fishing…

The life, vitality, and treatment of such an important ocean and planetary ecosystem, we are so horribly poisoning, ought not to be left to chance….

Grasslands are greening due to high CO2 helping plants to conserve water. Reduced evapotranspiration is the key More grass growing means less dust blowing Startling…

Water from trees is what makes rainforest rain. The most perfect explanation for the drying and dying Amazon rainforest looks to be the immediate effect…

The starving pups weigh 25 lbs. not the 100 lbs. they should. This crisis of thousands sea lion pups starving to death on California beaches is…

Margaret Thatcher, former UK Prime Minister, who died this week, may she rest in peace, knew something about the ecosystem of international governance. She was…

Ocean phytoplankon are disappearing at an alarming rate. A far more rapid collapse than any ecosystem on Earth. The amount of phytoplankton in the top…

I wrote this piece as part of correspondence with a London thinker and speaker on the politics of climate issues. Dear John, If I may be excused…

Chinese Foreign Fisheries Catch 12 Times More Than Reported, Study Shows Apr. 3, 2013 — Chinese fishing boats catch about US$11.5 billion worth of fish from…

Fishing Fleet Working 17 Times Harder Than in 1880s to Make Same Catch The UK trawl fishing fleet has to work 17 times harder to…

Carbon Expo Climate Market Event A few years back, around 2006 I believe, I was at the big global climate change market event called Carbon…

Quest carbon capture project costing public funds 1000 times that of the village funded Haida Salmon Restoration Project, and yielding a tiny fraction of the…

It would take 21,000 years To put this much of our rock dust in restored ocean pastures that our work is focused on. Native, State,…

Just days before Easter our small village research office in Vancouver was swarmed by 11 officers dressed in all black combat gear, armed and imposing…