The terrible drought decimating trees comes from Mother Nature’s tears having dried up. That we all lose our ability to produce tears when we suffer…

Already the nearly trillion tonnes of CO2 humanity has added to our air and oceans has decimated ocean plant and marine life Now new studies…

Fewer than 3% of Pacific Bluefin Tuna remain In years gone past this greatest of all the tuna grew on verdant ocean pastures to become…

We are eating more fish than ever. FAO reports consumption of fish has hit a record high, passing 20kg each per year mark. But the…

Experts at coral reef conference in Honolulu offer little but the same old career safe ideas Princely paid pundits prefer pitching party lines about perils…

Many bemoan about how world is able to pay for wars and luxury but not to feed and save the world. They are right though…

Pope Francis remarked that the world is able to pay for wars but not for food to feed the hungry. He’s right though he has the…

Namibia’s Large Pelagic (Tuna) Association is terribly worried over collapse of tuna catches in Namibian waters and whether the future holds worsening peril or might…

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission is calling for a dramatic 20% reduction in fishing allowances of the prized Seychelles Yellowfin tuna. Scientists say the species…

A New Report By Pew Trust Purports To Tell All About Tuna Awash With Leadened Homilies Pew’s finger wagging at the ‘usual suspects’ and proclamation…

Every year scores of thousands of ships move 11 billion tons of cargo across the world’s oceans. If just one ship, just one out of…

The Russian super-volcano Klyuchevskoy began erupting April 03 sending a blessing of mineral rich volcanic ash to the south-east dusting the vital ocean salmon pastures of…

The Island Nation of Fiji has long depended on ocean pastures that were once filled with fish. Today those ocean pastures are dying and depleted…

OK really the krill are only ‘nearly gone’ Though it might sound like a BB King Song, these real ocean blues are the worst ever…

People know salmon in Western Canada mostly as the gorgeous scarlet Sockeye What we are told and taught about those red sockeye and their kin…

Jack mackerel in the Southern Pacific have declined from catches of 30 million metric tons to less than a tenth of that in two decades….

And Scare Some Reagan Common Sense Into Your Misbehaving Disbelieving Republican Bretheren Don’t worry they won’t argue with you If you happen to visit the…

Mr. Presidents Here’s Something To Agree To Simple care and caring for our common home will provide all the fish the world can eat plus Mother…

The endless argument about CO2 driven climate change is a nauseating two actor drama we are all being forced to endure. It seems to be…

Newly published work in the prestigious science journal PLoS ONE confirms the vital role fish play in recycling iron that sustains their ocean pastures. Or…