Shippers and skippers call for global carbon tax to fund mitigation of ocean collapse and climate change 90% of global fleet agree work to reduce…

Reports of Madrid COP25 Climate Conference ‘Failure’ It was not! The delegates at COP25 proved to be faithful to the Paris Accord. So why all…

Academic Eurocracy’s Green Paris Plan For Climate Change The Paris Accord’s 195 Nations agreed to work to keep ‘global warming’ below 2°C! 1° of…

Natural Capital, the value of Nature in all of her glory, is there anybody out there investing? This meme, ‘natural capital’, has been around for…

Some West African Nations Risk A Tuna War By Giving Drastic Cuts In Tuna License Fees To Lure And Keep Foreign Fleets Catching Last Of…

If one only considers the usual suspects when looking to explain tuna fisheries collapse one will fail to identify both the real source of the…

Mozambique tuna fisheries sent 160 boats to sea in 2007, last year fewer than 50 boats engaged in the offshore fishery. 24 new fishing boats,…

The World Bank has just submitted it’s 25 year tuna plan to sustain catch and increase value to Pacific Island Nations by $350 million per…

A New Report By Pew Trust Purports To Tell All About Tuna Awash With Leadened Homilies Pew’s finger wagging at the ‘usual suspects’ and proclamation…

There is and has been since, the notion of a carbon market emerged, a steady drum beat boosterism of market PR working to push the…

Early in December, hundreds of politicians and tens of thousands of devotees, from 196 countries, will convene in Paris spending up to a billion dollars to carry…

Drat so renewables won’t save us – Read on to find out what will! Goggle which is one of the world’s largest corporations and leader…

We can restore the Atlantic Cod back to historic abundance in just a few years. An open letter to The Pew Charitable Trusts We just…

The Canadian federal inquiry into B.C.’s Fraser River sockeye fishery cost at least $37.3 million. While the $37 million in legal charges returned no additional…

FORBES is writing again about how ocean plankton might help save the world. FORBES writer Tim Worstall has penned another good article that supports our…

Sardines And Other Plankton Feeding Forage Fish Decline The desperate state of forage fish is resulting in the Pacific Fishery Management Council making radical new…

$250 per fish is spent each year to keep Columbia river golden salmon coming back! Money lenders financing the work receive 35% of that each…

Subsidies paid to fishing fleets by their government often pays for 60% of the fuel cost. Without these privateers’ subsidies the world’s catch would be…

Report predicts that loss of ocean net primary productivity over the next 200 years will be at least 50%. The present value of the oceans…

THE FISH ARE BACK! Last week on Earth Day out of the blue came a very complimentary story, published in the National Review Online, a…