Plankton blooms are super large complex organisms and as such might provide an opportunity to observe collective quantum consciousness in Nature.

Massive Runaway Methane Derives From Natural Methane And Collapse Of Natural Ocean Counterbalance Many “scientists” are hustling to proclaim this is a mystery that demands…

Are all climate scientists hammers, seeing everything as a nail? Climate Change gravy trains filled to overflowing with climate engineering business plans But Nature has…

10% Of Ocean Photosynthesis Is Dedicated To Producing Cloud Forming Molecules Ocean plankton blooms must protect themselves from too much sun, today ocean blooms are…

Nature Wants To Push Back Against Fossil Fool Age CO2 On This Blue Planet Microscopic marine plants bioengineer the oceans to make their ocean pastures…

Paleozoic atmosphere 500-300 million years ago saw CO2 at 18 times of today, 7000ppm vs. 400ppm Mother Nature Took Charge And Cooled Things Off With…

Arctic Pastures Emit More CO2 In Winter Than They Absorb In The Summer The reason Caribou and Reindeer paw through the snow to graze in…

New International Monetary Fund report says for the good of humanity we must ‘bring back the whales’. Whale carbon, the value from a single whale…

Ocean Pastures Are Tended By Tiny Zooplankton Farmers Every night these tiny creatures are in the surface pastures tending and feeding their plankton blooms By…

Most Grass On Planet Earth Grows In Dryland Ecosystems These bunch grass-lands that cover more of the Earth than forests are predicted to expand their…

Will The Next 11 Years Of Global Cooling Save Us Or Will It Save Us Some Money Both are questions of perspective and context What…

Climate Change Advocates And Deniers Argue Over How Climate Is Controlled By The Sun Deniers maintain that long solar cycles cause climate change/ global warming…

Early life on this blue planet evolved more than 500 million years earlier than once thought. Our Earth is just 4.5 billion years old and…

When Jan Ingenhouz was not out saving people from smallpox with his revolutionary vaccinations 250 years ago, He worked to unravel the mysteries of plants….

All We Are Is Dust In The Wind The mystery of how animals evolved on Earth has been uncovered by scientists. Dust stored up on…

Craig Venter Is At It Again Demonstrating The Genetic Prowess Of His Genetics Team The Venter Institute and Scripps Institution of Oceanography Publish Study Describing…

Frozen polar regions like Greenland accumulate mineral dust over the course of their endless succession of long winters. When the ice eventually reaches the sea…

The most prodigious contributors of cloud forming aerosols are ocean biogenic processes, aka ocean pastures, presently in a diminished and declining state. Restoring ocean pastures…

Iron in mineral dust particles vital to ocean life says new paper in Journal Science. Iron in seawater dramatically promotes the growth of phytoplankton, the…