Think winds and tides are most important in creating motion in the oceans? Think again, vital ocean motion is made most by the collective action…

When perusing used book stores sometimes a book just reaches out of the dusty forlorn stacks and grabs one by the … If you liked…

Iron is the single most important element in our world’s oceans and to you and I. It empowers efficient photosynthesis and without it ocean pasture…

There is an eco-corollary to the headline about what happens in Vegas that takes place in the stinky ooze of marine sediments. It the world…

Have you imagined that the wind and currents are what keeps the ocean in motion? Well think again, think smaller, much much smaller. The mathematicians…

Artificial Intelligence Appears Low Down On The Evolutionary Tree AI Plankton Bots, like Cube Sats, Are Swarming In An Ocean Pasture Near You Working Their…

Ocean Genomics Businessman Craig Venter Works To Unravel Ocean Iron Mystery Recent research spotlights illuminates a microbial ‘lichen-like’ partnership between ocean bacteria and phytoplankton Commensal algae…

Iron, one of the most common elements on earth, is the rarest, most precious, most vital element influencing ocean life Iron is heavy and sinks…

Every night the greatest migration on our blue planet takes place. When darkness falls a nearly infinite multitude of tiny ocean organisms swim up from…

Today I received an email from a long time friend who is a Scottish Wind Power engineer. He’s has been concerned about just how much…

Once again the miracle of life reveals that there are no ‘free loaders’ in Nature Tiny zooplankton like krill that graze on ocean pastures evolved…

In climate science ‘models predict’ that warming of the air and oceans leads to more evaporation and that moisture laden air must lead to more…

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldie’s dilemma and ours is how do we find what we need that is…

As reported in Journal Nature CO2 warming was insufficient to produce the Great Warming 55 million years ago The high CO2 of that age produced…

New Paper In The Journal Science Says Hurricanes Unexpectedly Diminished Hurricane intensity and frequency is down due to the reduction of aerosols happening globally, by…

Venus was once a planet with a warm plankton filled ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to two billion years. In our evolving solar…

The EPIC satellite camera began sending photos of the earth back to us in July 2015 Now a time-lapse video shows a year in the…

This Blue Planet whose lands make up 28% is covered with grass far more than trees. It seems bigger isn’t better. According to a new…

It is said history repeats itself, we had better hope not! 360 million years ago it was the Devonian Age, aka ‘the greenhouse age’ and…

Planet cooling plankton blooms in the North Pacific are in peril The ~30% loss of Pacific plankton in just decades is taking away the most…