Engineer or Good Shepherd Today, 18 Jan. 2015, my blog here started seeing a good number of people visiting who had arrived from the blog…

Winds and Tides and Swimming Plankton Each Provide One Trillion Watts Of Power To Drive The Motion Of Ocean Waters Swirling ocean pasture eddies are…

Int’l Pacific Salmon Commission Reports 170% More Sockeye Than Historic 2010 Run Arriving In A Sockeye Tsunami Ocean salmon pasture restoration credited with bringing back…

Crisis of high and rising mercury in the oceans is growing worse Amount of toxic mercury to double by 2050 Nature’s cure is at hand…

This is the first of what we hope will be a long series of reports from our resident Mermaids. Finally there are reports surfacing that…

The New York Times DotEarth Blog has a posting about me and my work. My 2012 ocean pasture restoration project nourished and is bringing hundreds…

How to grow more whales that go poop in the night and save the world from climate change. Whale poop seems to be all the…

Good News Pacific Salmon Counts Are Up… WAY UP The prediction a month ago was that this year a modest number of 26 million sockeye…

THE FISH ARE BACK! Last week on Earth Day out of the blue came a very complimentary story, published in the National Review Online, a…

This Blue Planet is in a fishery crisis. A solution to restore healthy fish is at hand. We just have to get to work to give…

Puffins are seabirds that are especially wonderful and beautiful to watch. They frequent the ocean far from shore where they feed on all manner of…

The British Royal Society in 2008 called for experiments with ocean pasture replenishment and restoration. The very same experiments we completed in 2012. And guess…

If you have ever wondered at the wonder of vitamins keep in mind that it’s not only humans who need them. Vitamins are essential micro-nutrients…

On Halloween, passengers aboard the B.C. ferry between Galiano Island and Tsawwassen were treated to the sight of a superpod of about 1,000 Pacific white-sided…

“We’ve got freaking pinks everywhere and it is ridiculous,” said Brett Barkdull, a state Fish and Wildlife biologist. “They are still in the rivers and everyone is growing tired of catching them.”

The New Scientist magazine says the IPCC call for “geoengineering” is a call to create the largest industry in human history. The proof is at hand that what we need to create is a one of the smaller industries in human history.
Au contraire New Scientist, we just need 100 tiny villages working on a common summer “dream” job. More like the smallest industry in human history!