“Give me a half a shipload of iron and I’ll give you a replenished and restored Blue Planet.” Introduction For centuries, scientists have puzzled over…

Reporting from COP27 in the hot desert of Sharm El Sheik Egypt IMF champion calls for someone, everyone, to speak for ocean life More important…

The human race uses ‘mob rule’ to dictate what is fact and fiction. Not just in sports, politics, and religion but also in the world…

A new paper showing 50 year ten fold increase in one ocean pasture phytoplankton Cocolithophores portends ocean ecology crisis Trouble with the world’s most important…

I am frequently contacted by journalists from around the world They always proclaim they are honest and ethical. They almost never are. This open letter…

The New York Times DotEarth Blog has a posting about me and my work. My 2012 ocean pasture restoration project nourished and is bringing hundreds…

Ocean Pastures Are Found In All The World’s Oceans – Even The Frozen Ones. When all above is still locked up in a frozen wasteland,…

Climate Changes To Winds Diminishes Antarctic Krill And Plankton In a paper just published this week in Nature by a Rutgers University team it is…

“We’ve got freaking pinks everywhere and it is ridiculous,” said Brett Barkdull, a state Fish and Wildlife biologist. “They are still in the rivers and everyone is growing tired of catching them.”

The New Scientist magazine says the IPCC call for “geoengineering” is a call to create the largest industry in human history. The proof is at hand that what we need to create is a one of the smaller industries in human history.
Au contraire New Scientist, we just need 100 tiny villages working on a common summer “dream” job. More like the smallest industry in human history!

Walt Whitman once said, “all beef is grass.” In like manner, once but no more, “all fish was plankton.” Sixty-six million tonnes of farmed fish…