Climate Change Is Wreaking Havoc With The Truth At The Expense Of Our Children’s Future The mainstream media are the worst liars of all Here’s…

Only once a year we celebrate world environment day and yet for some every day is party day. Amidst the news of recent are reports…

We terrans are very full of ourselves, we persist in proclaiming that this blue planet is all about us! Life on ‘earth’ is a tiny…

People know salmon in Western Canada mostly as the gorgeous scarlet Sockeye What we are told and taught about those red sockeye and their kin…

CO2 Science Shows It’s Worst And Most Immediate Effects Are In Our Oceans! Facing off with denialists can be futile or worse. Talking with the…

Just plain everyday folks are needed and precious few of those. How many? Neither millions nor even thousands of people are needed, mere hundreds can…

Do you see any plastic garbage floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at this site of the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Size…

By definition a “disruptive technology” is one that displaces an established technology creating a completely new industry. (Examples include personal computers, email, cell phones, social…

There is and has been since, the notion of a carbon market emerged, a steady drum beat boosterism of market PR working to push the…

Perhaps you never imagined space is home to plankton. Reports are now proliferating that scientists have discovered Earthly plankton in space has taken up residence…

The Canadian federal inquiry into B.C.’s Fraser River sockeye fishery cost at least $37.3 million. While the $37 million in legal charges returned no additional…

$250 per fish is spent each year to keep Columbia river golden salmon coming back! Money lenders financing the work receive 35% of that each…

Societies react to dangers and crisis’ in predictable ways that are frequently exploited by financial political monsters. In 1961, President and General Dwight D. (Ike)…

Many scientific reports show inexplicable behaviours of plants that seem to be analogs to animal senses, behaviours, and perhaps even intellect. This observation of complex…

In Science Dogma aka Theory Has Always Fought Against New Observed Evidence A friend reminded me of the fact that pioneers in science are often…

New Robert Stone film reveals how opposition to nuclear power turned into massive increases in coal burning power plants. The far worse outcome for the…

There is a global crisis befalling the Internet. Has it reached a tipping point requiring dramatic actions? Some call the internet an eighth wonder of…

Over my lifetime I have surely noticed the increasing number of reports on mercury in fish. Almost everyone now knows that top of the food…

Just days before Easter our small village research office in Vancouver was swarmed by 11 officers dressed in all black combat gear, armed and imposing…

Some months ago, just before Christmas I believe, our Haida Salmon village office received a telephone call from a woman who identified herself as an…