Reporting from COP27 in the hot desert of Sharm El Sheik Egypt IMF champion calls for someone, everyone, to speak for ocean life More important…

Nature Wants To Push Back Against Fossil Fool Age CO2 On This Blue Planet Microscopic marine plants bioengineer the oceans to make their ocean pastures…

Ocean Pastures Are Tended By Tiny Zooplankton Farmers Every night these tiny creatures are in the surface pastures tending and feeding their plankton blooms By…

Breaching ocean carbon threshold to greatly accelerate mass extinction As the levels of CO2/carbon in the ocean increase, a runaway cascade of feedbacks may push…

Insect Apocalypse Reporting Is Catastrophically Wrong Minded The insect problem is real and we must have the correct focus on its cause if we are…

Competing climate interests avariciously battle over turf and technologies. Will we allow them to battle to the death of everything in their blood lust over…

Plants are Nature’s way of managing CO2 on her blue planet They take in CO2 to make more of themselves as those plants die some…

Bold plan to at once help end world hunger and deliver the largest global CO2 reduction slated to begin in 2016. Billions of addtional fish to feed the world as billions of tonnes of climate changing CO2 are safely mitigated.

Scientists report on what nearly wiped out very early dinosaurs, indeed 95% of all life on this blue planet at the time. Dino-denialists object! Fossil CO2…

Most extensive study of the Amazon to date reveals startling early death of rainforest trees. Life expectancy of Amazon trees has declined by more than…