Newly Published Scientific Report Declares Dangers During Freshwater Life Of Salmon Is Nothing When Compared To The Collapse of Their Ocean Pastures This exhaustive research…

Sometimes a single picture is all that is needed to confirm a scientific fact. In searching for the root of the Alaska Salmon miracle of…

Alaska scientists report just 15% of Chum survived their 5 years at sea to return home to spawn Chum salmon have been experiencing a steady…

Good Maternal Nutrition Is Vital For Salmon Healthy Mothers = Healthy and More Young’uns Right now, in rivers and streams of Alaska and Canada that…

Alaska shuts down all King Salmon harvest in southeast region due to ‘poor ocean survival conditions’ In Oregon the headline reads, ‘Steelhead struggling home in…

Were you watching the ‘miracle of the salmon’ stories back in 2010 and 2013… the miracle is back. First came 40 million Sockeye salmon returning…

ALASKA SALMON TRAGEDY DEEPENS AS MORE NO FISHING SIGNS GO UP US and Alaska government agencies have reported that the smallest number of King/Chinook salmon…

Alaska’s legislature is staring down the gun barrel at a $3 billion deficit. Oil revenues have collapsed along with other resource revenues in America’s last…

Alaska’s Vital Salmon Fleet Is Hard Aground Collapse of Alaska’s Largest And Most Valuable Fishery Is Now Official U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker announced…

In the face of calamitous decline of ocean pasture habitat, what can be done? Alaskan wildlife managers do no more than call for more research…

“It’s NOT the fresh water production of the juvenile Chinook that is the reason this decline is occurring, it’s being driven by poor marine survival,”…

The Alaska salmon catch last year was an all time high at 272 million fish. This year Alaska is on a trajectory for another record…

This year’s 2014 wild Alaska salmon season will be stunningly smaller than last year if the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s predictions are correct. The…

“We’ve got freaking pinks everywhere and it is ridiculous,” said Brett Barkdull, a state Fish and Wildlife biologist. “They are still in the rivers and everyone is growing tired of catching them.”