In the late 1980s, oceanographer John Martin quipped, “Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age.” Martin’s meticulous 20…

Newly Published Scientific Report Declares Dangers During Freshwater Life Of Salmon Is Nothing When Compared To The Collapse of Their Ocean Pastures This exhaustive research…

Sometimes a single picture is all that is needed to confirm a scientific fact. In searching for the root of the Alaska Salmon miracle of…

Alaska scientists report just 15% of Chum survived their 5 years at sea to return home to spawn Chum salmon have been experiencing a steady…

Bring Back The Rain, A Job Only Mother Nature Can Do But She Needs Our Help Ocean plankton pasture restoration will bring back the cooling…

Climate Change Is The Biggest Issue For Most Earthlings For many whose lives depend on the natural health and abundance of the oceans, restoring their…

I have recently weathered another skirmish in the Blue Carbon Wars This skirmish resulted when out of the blue I was invited to be a…

Collapse of ocean fish pastures and ocean ‘lean times’ sen as starvation of salmon and steelhead but some fish are worse off than others Endangered…

Salmon fishing groups have called for urgent action as an “unprecedented collapse” of salmon breaks the brave hearts of Argyll. The 2017 catch from the…

$16 Billion Spent To Save Pacific Salmon Has Failed, 95% Of The Salmon Lewis And Clark Reported On Are Gone A trust fund with a…

First ever major UN Oceans Conference is underway though it is about oceans in spin only. The key goal of the ocean conference blatantly leaves…

ALASKA SALMON TRAGEDY DEEPENS AS MORE NO FISHING SIGNS GO UP US and Alaska government agencies have reported that the smallest number of King/Chinook salmon…

Annual Profits In Global Fisheries Today Are About $3 Billion World Bank Report declares that as fish populations are restored to historic abundance the profits…

Tuna, Cod, Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies ocean fish decimated A new paper in the Journal PNAS confirms ocean plankton pasture collapse as primary cause of fisheries…

Every day another headline or meme proclaims the perils of climate change. The spin masters have their fingers on every topic that they can relate…

In Africa The Consequence Of Global Warming Is Hunger Amongst The Fisherfolk Who Depend On Africa’s Great Lakes The big lakes in Africa, like Tanganyika,…

Endless global warming argument stalls our solving Natures crisis caused by humanity’s CO2. The truth of how our high and rising CO2 warms our blue…