Shippers and skippers call for global carbon tax to fund mitigation of ocean collapse and climate change 90% of global fleet agree work to reduce…

New International Monetary Fund report says for the good of humanity we must ‘bring back the whales’. Whale carbon, the value from a single whale…

The tiny fish that safely manages more carbon than a rain forest They don’t do this by accident, they use their superpowers It is their…

Academic Eurocracy’s Green Paris Plan For Climate Change The Paris Accord’s 195 Nations agreed to work to keep ‘global warming’ below 2°C! 1° of…

Artificial Intelligence Appears Low Down On The Evolutionary Tree AI Plankton Bots, like Cube Sats, Are Swarming In An Ocean Pasture Near You Working Their…

Ocean Genomics Businessman Craig Venter Works To Unravel Ocean Iron Mystery Recent research spotlights illuminates a microbial ‘lichen-like’ partnership between ocean bacteria and phytoplankton Commensal algae…

Iron, one of the most common elements on earth, is the rarest, most precious, most vital element influencing ocean life Iron is heavy and sinks…

Plants are Nature’s way of managing CO2 on her blue planet They take in CO2 to make more of themselves as those plants die some…

Todays incessant debate over climate change is clearly an argument over solutions costing trillions and who can be made to pay. The business as usual…

Following another season of shrinking sea ice Arctic Ocean life has been blessed with a doubling of plankton bloom cycles. Historically, phyto-plankton began to bloom…

While hundreds of millions of dollars remove a few million tonnes of CO2 from smokestacks; hundreds of millions of fish swim home into nets and…

In the ocean little goes to waste. But even that waste is pure gold to oceanographer David Siegel, director of the Earth Research Institute at U.C….

Tiny ocean pasture mesopelagic fish historically grossly underestimated now shown to be 30 times greater biomass. Alone they outweigh all other animal life on Earth.

This week the EU parliament declined to continue to prop up the ailing EU Carbon Market. The market which was originally conceived with the best…

Carbon Explorers are ocean science geekology to the max. They drift with ocean currents, descend as deep as a kilometer to record particulate carbon, then…

I have some personal experience with David Keith who seems to be a nexus kin within the world of geoengineering. The difference is he claims…

The very key issue in work to develop and deliver the technology and know how to replenish and restore the oceans and in doing so…

Quest carbon capture project costing public funds 1000 times that of the village funded Haida Salmon Restoration Project, and yielding a tiny fraction of the…

“Damning With Faint Praise.” A well-known precept of journalism is that “Dog Bites Man” isn’t news, but “Man Bites Dog” is. On this principle, saying…
Royal Society Describes Clone Of Haida Salmon Project
Ocean fertilization: R.S Lampitt, et al Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 13 November 2008 vol. 366no. 1882 3919-3945 Abstract: The oceans sequester carbon from the atmosphere partly as a…