Massive Runaway Methane Derives From Natural Methane And Collapse Of Natural Ocean Counterbalance Many “scientists” are hustling to proclaim this is a mystery that demands…

Will World Be Saved From Ravages Of Climate Change By Plankton Massive Surge In Arctic Ocean Plankton Blooms See World Acclaiming Power Of Ocean Pastures…

Second vast hot water patch off New Zealand coast leads scientists obvious conclusions Oceans are the big source of cooling to our Blue Planet but…

Mother Natures Red Dust Miracle Comes To Australia’s And The Worlds Rescue Massive Australian Dust Storm Approaching The Size Of The 2009 Dust Storm Is…

Think humanity’s greenhouse gases are most important for global warming and climate change, think again. Zooplankton, tiny animals that perform synchronous swimming in countless multitudes…

Reports of Madrid COP25 Climate Conference ‘Failure’ It was not! The delegates at COP25 proved to be faithful to the Paris Accord. So why all…

The word plankton comes from a Greek word πλαγκτός pronounced ‘planktos’ meaning drifters. Our blue planet is really the plankton planet as they outnumber by…

New International Monetary Fund report says for the good of humanity we must ‘bring back the whales’. Whale carbon, the value from a single whale…

Will The Next 11 Years Of Global Cooling Save Us Or Will It Save Us Some Money Both are questions of perspective and context What…

Climate Change Advocates And Deniers Argue Over How Climate Is Controlled By The Sun Deniers maintain that long solar cycles cause climate change/ global warming…

Ocean pasture plankton blooms send carbon to sea bed in pulses Old ocean carbon models and dogma shown in new PNAS Paper as wildly low…

Seventy-five percent of all plants depend on insects to survive and reproduce One out of every 3 bites of food humans eat comes from insect-pollinated…

When Jan Ingenhouz was not out saving people from smallpox with his revolutionary vaccinations 250 years ago, He worked to unravel the mysteries of plants….

All over the world insects are reported to be disappearing. They aren’t gone completely anywhere yet, but their numbers reveal far more than decimation, 75%…

In the new BBC Blue Planet television series, the melodious host makes mention of the billions of tonnes of copepods that nightly rise to the…

Boffin computer models project fish are expected to shrink in size by 20 to 30 per cent if ocean temperatures continue to climb due to…

… those waiting for someone else to save it Vast numbers of people are ‘fans’ of, and place their hope in, solutions to climate change…

Every day another headline or meme proclaims the perils of climate change. The spin masters have their fingers on every topic that they can relate…

Just Published Are Hundreds Of Pages Of A Scholarly Summation On The Crisis Of Ocean Warming This racehorse report designed by a committee of nearly…