Academic Eurocracy’s Green Paris Plan For Climate Change The Paris Accord’s 195 Nations agreed to work to keep ‘global warming’ below 2°C! 1° of…

The idea that the world’s climate changes the oceans is simply ‘bass ackwards’, it is the oceans that control the world’s climate. The oceans are…

Ocean Genomics Businessman Craig Venter Works To Unravel Ocean Iron Mystery Recent research spotlights illuminates a microbial ‘lichen-like’ partnership between ocean bacteria and phytoplankton Commensal algae…

In the beginning, this world was home only to ocean bacteria They alone colonized and lived on this blue planet for billions of years Until…

Dust blowing from the Sahara in great dust storms known as ‘Haboobs’ like the one seen in the photo above is in catastrophic decline reported…

Oceans are revealed as the primary management of CO2 by new satellite time series More grass growing means less dust blowing – good news for…

Just plain everyday folks are needed and precious few of those. How many? Neither millions nor even thousands of people are needed, mere hundreds can…

This week the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) is releasing its latest report, the “Working Group II Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report.” Like many…

The British Royal Society in 2008 called for experiments with ocean pasture replenishment and restoration. The very same experiments we completed in 2012. And guess…

I have been reading several papers about the role of CO2 in plant ecology with regard to global climate. I’ve written to the several scientists in…

I have some personal experience with David Keith who seems to be a nexus kin within the world of geoengineering. The difference is he claims…

Rapid Climate Change and the Role of the Southern Ocean Apr. 8, 2013 — Scientists from Cardiff University and the University of Barcelona have discovered new…

BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) — This year’s Tree-Planting Day comes at a fitting time, as the memory of a sandstorm that ravaged large parts of…

Beginning 600 hundred million years ago and for hundreds of millions of years plankton bloomed. They harvested CO2 from the primordial atmosphere and stored energy…
Ocean Pasture Restoration: Can We Afford To Postpone Exploring This Option?
Climate Change: Current Issues 2011 Provided in cooperation with: Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW). Paper provided by Kiel Institute for the World Economy in its series Open…