To speak on behalf of the bee in my bonnet before we finish killing off all the bees. Let’s address some social media blather proposing…

10% Of Ocean Photosynthesis Is Dedicated To Producing Cloud Forming Molecules Ocean plankton blooms must protect themselves from too much sun, today ocean blooms are…

The most prodigious contributors of cloud forming aerosols are ocean biogenic processes, aka ocean pastures, presently in a diminished and declining state. Restoring ocean pastures…

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldie’s dilemma and ours is how do we find what we need that is…

The EPIC satellite camera began sending photos of the earth back to us in July 2015 Now a time-lapse video shows a year in the…

A new paper from the UK Met Office reports on the critical role of aerosols in controlling climate by producing clouds The paper explains the…

In the beginning, this world was home only to ocean bacteria They alone colonized and lived on this blue planet for billions of years Until…

New Scientific Reports Add Proof That Tiny Bits Of Plankton Lofted Into The Air Create Clouds And Rain Drops California’s drought could be resolved by…

Ocean plankton produce clouds as they thrive Ocean plankton is the largest natural factor of this blue planet when it comes to managing CO2 (and…

Seabirds, are tied both to the health of the ocean ecosystem and to global climate regulation The relationship, indeed control phytoplankton have over the global…