Water from trees is what makes rainforest rain. The most perfect explanation for the drying and dying Amazon rainforest looks to be the immediate effect…

A new paper confirms climate change and global warming is controlled by plant life, which in turn is controlled by high and rising CO2. The…

This week the EU parliament declined to continue to prop up the ailing EU Carbon Market. The market which was originally conceived with the best…

I have some personal experience with David Keith who seems to be a nexus kin within the world of geoengineering. The difference is he claims…

Rapid Climate Change and the Role of the Southern Ocean Apr. 8, 2013 — Scientists from Cardiff University and the University of Barcelona have discovered new…

Just a couple of years ago common wisdom was that there might be 30,000 species of plankton in the surface ocean. The expedition described in…

The very key issue in work to develop and deliver the technology and know how to replenish and restore the oceans and in doing so…

Carbon Expo Climate Market Event A few years back, around 2006 I believe, I was at the big global climate change market event called Carbon…

Here’s Our Most Important Pie Chart Of Where We Live. Our part is that 14.6% part that is habitable. There is a whole lot of…

Confirming what I’ve been going on about for nigh unto 20 years high and rising CO2 in the air is growing more and bushier plants…

Shortly we’ll be presenting a more complete story of meeting the bullies of the CBC. Our present day trials and tribulations began when CBC News…

While many international leaders work toward emission reduction strategies and carbon capture and storage they are missing the really key core problem. That problem is…

For billions of years when this planet was first learning about life, the only form of life of the planet were the cyanobacteria, the Blue…

Beginning 600 hundred million years ago and for hundreds of millions of years plankton bloomed. They harvested CO2 from the primordial atmosphere and stored energy…
Ocean Pasture Restoration: Can We Afford To Postpone Exploring This Option?
Climate Change: Current Issues 2011 Provided in cooperation with: Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW). Paper provided by Kiel Institute for the World Economy in its series Open…