Racing to the bottom is the only tuna fisheries management game being played, and it’s a losing game. Catch reduction to protect Indian Ocean Yellowfin,…

Namibia’s Large Pelagic (Tuna) Association is terribly worried over collapse of tuna catches in Namibian waters and whether the future holds worsening peril or might…

Terrible new science documenting the collapse of phytoplankton in the Indian Ocean, rate of loss is 2% per year! A rapid loss of phytoplankton, the…

While many international leaders work toward emission reduction strategies and carbon capture and storage they are missing the really key core problem. That problem is…

Overfished and under-protected: Oceans on the brink of catastrophic collapse By Tom Levitt, for CNN, updated 12:11 PM EDT, Fri March 22, 2013 In many ways,…