Just published in the Journal of Geology is a paper detailing the history of dust in the wind and it’s historic influence on ocean pastures…

The Sahara desert and the Amazon rainforest are so different and far apart one might not imagine that they share a vital ecological link. A…

Today, Ash Wednesday, is the holiest day for dust Today is the one day of the year when dust is venerated for the life that…

Data from satellites have confirmed that ocean pastures west of California have suffered the worst collapse ever measured, 35% of pasture productivity was lost in…

Global warming that has slowed down over the last 15 years is partly the result of many small volcanic eruptions. At top August 2014 eruption…

We can restore the Atlantic Cod back to historic abundance in just a few years. An open letter to The Pew Charitable Trusts We just…

FORBES is writing again about how ocean plankton might help save the world. FORBES writer Tim Worstall has penned another good article that supports our…

This is the first of what we hope will be a long series of reports from our resident Mermaids. Finally there are reports surfacing that…

Dust from the Sahara and Sahel region of North Africa frequently blows west in giant dust storms that stretch across the entire Atlantic Ocean. Just…

Ocean pastures have a close-knit relationship with pastures on land. They are both defined by their plant life, the grass and plankton of their pastures….

High CO2 results in declining dust in the wind, in ancient times less dust meant less iron reached oceans to sustain plant life. A new…

In this fantastic view of dust and other aerosols on the planet we can see the link between land and sea. Just as rain must…