And Scare Some Reagan Common Sense Into Your Misbehaving Disbelieving Republican Bretheren Don’t worry they won’t argue with you If you happen to visit the…

New Robert Stone film reveals how opposition to nuclear power turned into massive increases in coal burning power plants. The far worse outcome for the…

CO2 fertilisation has increased maximum foliage cover across the globe’s warm, arid environments Abstract: Satellite observations reveal a greening of the globe over recent decades. The role…

Headlines around the world herald the horrors of pirate fishing that is destroying what remains of global ocean fish stocks. But the same pirate fishing…

There is very good news for Australia and its struggle to do the right thing by its CO2 emissions. There has and is a crisis…

Until a few years ago I had never been to China. All that I knew of China came from what I’d read or seen on…

Yes, this story is about someone’s knickers. It’s also about an antidote for a large part of the fossil CO2 in the air, a major…

The pivotal issue regarding CO2 for most is the cost of doing something about it. Countless people now work spending billions, even hundreds of billions…

More than Googling and less oogling is needed to save the oceans. When it comes to raising awareness about the oceans there is a real…

In this fantastic view of dust and other aerosols on the planet we can see the link between land and sea. Just as rain must…

Water from trees is what makes rainforest rain. The most perfect explanation for the drying and dying Amazon rainforest looks to be the immediate effect…

A method of simple eco triage is presented here. Remember the reason we need eco triage is that we recognize that we DO NOT have…

A new paper confirms climate change and global warming is controlled by plant life, which in turn is controlled by high and rising CO2. The…

Margaret Thatcher, former UK Prime Minister, who died this week, may she rest in peace, knew something about the ecosystem of international governance. She was…

Here’s my testimony to the US Congress on restoring seas and trees. Trees alone can not save us, but there is salvation in replenishing and…

As the worlds ocean face cataclysmic collapse due to our treating them as merely transit routes, hunting grounds for wild things, dumping grounds for our…