Bringing Back The Fish The European Union’s Nature Restoration Law, enacted in August 2024 with €8.3 billion annually, is a bold step to heal its…

“Give me a half a shipload of iron and I’ll give you a replenished and restored Blue Planet.” Introduction For centuries, scientists have puzzled over…

Massive Runaway Methane Derives From Natural Methane And Collapse Of Natural Ocean Counterbalance Many “scientists” are hustling to proclaim this is a mystery that demands…

Mother Natures Red Dust Miracle Comes To Australia’s And The Worlds Rescue Massive Australian Dust Storm Approaching The Size Of The 2009 Dust Storm Is…

Headlines simultaneously urge us to cower or flower over the prospect that billions are required to meet 2050 UK climate target. The talk of billions…

Today in my NewsBot terrible news was netted on the crisis of fish around the world. The ongoing plight of the Sardines of Portugal was…

Boffin computer models project fish are expected to shrink in size by 20 to 30 per cent if ocean temperatures continue to climb due to…

Alaska’s legislature is staring down the gun barrel at a $3 billion deficit. Oil revenues have collapsed along with other resource revenues in America’s last…

Tuna, Cod, Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies ocean fish decimated A new paper in the Journal PNAS confirms ocean plankton pasture collapse as primary cause of fisheries…

In Africa The Consequence Of Global Warming Is Hunger Amongst The Fisherfolk Who Depend On Africa’s Great Lakes The big lakes in Africa, like Tanganyika,…

Recently I have been hearing from people around the world who are concerned and wanting to help do something to help restore the health of…

We are eating more fish than ever. FAO reports consumption of fish has hit a record high, passing 20kg each per year mark. But the…

10 Regenerated Ocean Amazon Pastures Will Naturally Manage The World’s CO2 Crisis And Bring Back The Fish Cheaper, Better, & Faster than any other solution…

Many bemoan about how world is able to pay for wars and luxury but not to feed and save the world. They are right though…

The Island Nation of Fiji has long depended on ocean pastures that were once filled with fish. Today those ocean pastures are dying and depleted…

For the money it cost to operate just one of the 145 windmills in the multi-billion dollar London Array An ocean pasture can be restored…

If you can bear witness to this tragedy of ocean collapse read on Here in ‘6000 words’ you will fully comprehend the fish shrinking tragedy…

Terrible new science documenting the collapse of phytoplankton in the Indian Ocean, rate of loss is 2% per year! A rapid loss of phytoplankton, the…

All along the West Coast of North America, the future feared is here today! But all is not lost if we heed this ocean warning…

Just published in the Journal of Geology is a paper detailing the history of dust in the wind and it’s historic influence on ocean pastures…