Breaching ocean carbon threshold to greatly accelerate mass extinction As the levels of CO2/carbon in the ocean increase, a runaway cascade of feedbacks may push…

Every day another headline or meme proclaims the perils of climate change. The spin masters have their fingers on every topic that they can relate…

World’s Oceans Have Blue Skies Only 10% Of The Time Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see…. or so the…

Yes, this story is about someone’s knickers. It’s also about an antidote for a large part of the fossil CO2 in the air, a major…

The pivotal issue regarding CO2 for most is the cost of doing something about it. Countless people now work spending billions, even hundreds of billions…

I have some personal experience with David Keith who seems to be a nexus kin within the world of geoengineering. The difference is he claims…

All of the above human “geoengineering” activity has taken place on just 14.6% of this planet. There seems to be a raging controversy about geo-engineering….

Here’s Our Most Important Pie Chart Of Where We Live. Our part is that 14.6% part that is habitable. There is a whole lot of…

“Damning With Faint Praise.” A well-known precept of journalism is that “Dog Bites Man” isn’t news, but “Man Bites Dog” is. On this principle, saying…
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“There’s a ruckus going on over an experiment in ocean fertilization conducted off the coast of British Columbia…” October 18, 2012 by Ted Parson There’s a…