“Give me a half a shipload of iron and I’ll give you a replenished and restored Blue Planet.” Introduction For centuries, scientists have puzzled over…

In the late 1980s, oceanographer John Martin quipped, “Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age.” Martin’s meticulous 20…

Mother Natures Red Dust Miracle Comes To Australia’s And The Worlds Rescue Massive Australian Dust Storm Approaching The Size Of The 2009 Dust Storm Is…

Life in the world’s oceans depends upon and is sustained by iron and phytoplankton Oceans, especially those areas far from land, biologically modifies, optimizes, and…

The second largest iceberg ever with ice accumulated over tens of thousands of years is about break free. The iceberg part of the Larsen C…

Frozen polar regions like Greenland accumulate mineral dust over the course of their endless succession of long winters. When the ice eventually reaches the sea…

Newly Published Research Proves Ocean Pasture Plankton Has For All Of Time Saved The World From Global Warming. Deep-sea corals reveal how healthy ocean plankton…

Iron is the single most important element in our world’s oceans and to you and I. It empowers efficient photosynthesis and without it ocean pasture…

Ocean Genomics Businessman Craig Venter Works To Unravel Ocean Iron Mystery Recent research spotlights illuminates a microbial ‘lichen-like’ partnership between ocean bacteria and phytoplankton Commensal algae…

Iron, one of the most common elements on earth, is the rarest, most precious, most vital element influencing ocean life Iron is heavy and sinks…

Once again the miracle of life reveals that there are no ‘free loaders’ in Nature Tiny zooplankton like krill that graze on ocean pastures evolved…

Researchers have conducted the first global analysis of the health and productivity of ocean plants using a unique signal detected by NASA’s Aqua satellite. The results and…

In the middle of the clearest and most lifeless ocean on earth red iron sand beaches of the Galapagos Islands sustain an oasis of life,…

Journal Nature Publishes Definitive Proof Of John Martin’s Iron Hypothesis Almost 30 years ago the late great ocean scientist John Martin showed how ocean plants…

People know salmon in Western Canada mostly as the gorgeous scarlet Sockeye What we are told and taught about those red sockeye and their kin…

Studies show deep ocean iron has changed little over the last 76 million years leaving only the diminishing iron from failing dust in the wind…

Scientists prove dust from the Sahara and Gobi deserts provides most of the iron found in the Atlantic ocean. While downwind of the Sahara there…

Global warming that has slowed down over the last 15 years is partly the result of many small volcanic eruptions. At top August 2014 eruption…

Newly published work in the prestigious science journal PLoS ONE confirms the vital role fish play in recycling iron that sustains their ocean pastures. Or…