We miscalculated our climate tipping points: This decade is critical New Ocean Restoration Research And Development Act 2022 is a great step forward America has…

Paleozoic atmosphere 500-300 million years ago saw CO2 at 18 times of today, 7000ppm vs. 400ppm Mother Nature Took Charge And Cooled Things Off With…

New Report Shows Dungeness Crabs From Alaska To California Are Melting Well not exactly melting like the Wicked Witch of the West, rather larval crabs…

Mother Natures Red Dust Miracle Comes To Australia’s And The Worlds Rescue Massive Australian Dust Storm Approaching The Size Of The 2009 Dust Storm Is…

Most Grass On Planet Earth Grows In Dryland Ecosystems These bunch grass-lands that cover more of the Earth than forests are predicted to expand their…

Academia can be slow and plodding, but given time, it gets to the truth 40% of this blue planet’s surface consists of ocean regions now…

It’s Dusty In The North Atlantic As a result, hurricanes are scarcer and weaker, Present company, Florence, excepted New scientific reports show the dust has…

I recently noticed on a friend’s climate change web site he speaks favourably of OIF ‘ocean iron fertilization’. That he is a kindred spirit in…

Boffin computer models project fish are expected to shrink in size by 20 to 30 per cent if ocean temperatures continue to climb due to…

Academic Eurocracy’s Green Paris Plan For Climate Change The Paris Accord’s 195 Nations agreed to work to keep ‘global warming’ below 2°C! 1° of…

Iron is the single most important element in our world’s oceans and to you and I. It empowers efficient photosynthesis and without it ocean pasture…

Deep Ocean Ecosystem Faces Starvation Before End Of Century. As ocean plankton pastures become desolate clear blue deserts above they are no longer feeding the…

The idea that the world’s climate changes the oceans is simply ‘bass ackwards’, it is the oceans that control the world’s climate. The oceans are…

Iron, one of the most common elements on earth, is the rarest, most precious, most vital element influencing ocean life Iron is heavy and sinks…

Every night the greatest migration on our blue planet takes place. When darkness falls a nearly infinite multitude of tiny ocean organisms swim up from…

The Ocean Methane Paradox Vast regions of the world’s surface ocean which are richly oxygenated are strangely super-saturated with methane. Since oxygen rapidly destroys methane…

Only once a year we celebrate world environment day and yet for some every day is party day. Amidst the news of recent are reports…

In the beginning, this world was home only to ocean bacteria They alone colonized and lived on this blue planet for billions of years Until…

For the money it cost to operate just one of the 145 windmills in the multi-billion dollar London Array An ocean pasture can be restored…

Terrible new science documenting the collapse of phytoplankton in the Indian Ocean, rate of loss is 2% per year! A rapid loss of phytoplankton, the…